Indo-Bangla border

After going through many hiccups in past several decades, India and Bangladesh have been able to forge understanding of sorts between them. Today our relations with Bangladeshi are cordial. Both the countries should make the best use of this cordiality. India has about 300 km long border with Bangladesh. Past experience has shown that it is too dangerous to leave the border un-demarcated or unfenced because there are many miscreants who would like to see India and Bangladesh at daggers drawn. This is the background that has made the Union Home Ministry decide to fence the long common border for which according to the Home Minister at least one year and half would be required to complete the job. Though there is no infiltration from Bangladesh side at present but nobody can guarantee what happens in future. As we all know, there have been recurring complaints of illegal migration from Bangladesh side into Assam. This has to be stopped and, therefore, the decision of the Government of India to fence the entire border with Bangladesh. We appreciate the decision as it will secure Assam and other regions from illegal entry and moreover it will strengthen cordial relationship with Bangladesh.
The fencing should be done in time bound manner. Once the work of fencing is starting there should be no halt till the job is done. Since there is a friendly Government in Dhaka, hopefully there will not be any obstructions to bring the fencing work to completion.