No alternative to separate homeland for KPs in Valley: Panun Kashmir

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Dec 29: Panun Kashmir has asserted that there is no alternative to separate homeland to the exiled Hindu community within the Valley.
This was expressed by Panun Kashmir’s leadership in New Delhi during a function organized on Wednesday to observe 25th anniversary of ‘Homeland Day’. 28th December marks an important date in the ‘Calender-of-Exile’ of Internally Displaced’ Kashmiri Hindu Community ever since being uprooted from their place of origin in 1989/90.
“Till date, the State and Central Governments have treated issues pertaining to internal displacement of the Hindus of Kashmir as ‘Migrants’ in a very tokenistic way and this has been manifested nakedly in the policies with regard to the return and rehabilitation of the ethnic Hindu minority community of Kashmir”, observed one of the participants, adding that a permanent return of Hindus is only possible when Government of India addresses ‘Return’ as an issue of ‘Reversal of Genocide’ and not as any tokenistic measure.
Another participant said that Government of India must drop the tag of ‘Migrants’ and instead recognizes the expelled Hindus of Kashmir as ‘Internally Displaced Persons’. It was also demanded by some participants that Government of India must establish forthwith extra-ordinary constitutional measures and create effective legal instruments to bring the perpetrators and the collaborators of the Genocide of Hindus of Kashmir to justice.
Panun Kashmir also demanded removal of ‘temporary’ Article 370 and initiation of measures by Government of India for creating a Union Territory in the North and East of River Vitasta (Jhelum) in Kashmir Valley with free flow of Indian Constitution, for the sustained and permanent rehabilitation of Kashmiri Hindus.
While welcoming the recent historic judgment of the Supreme Court of India (pronounced on Dec 16, 2016) upholding applicability of Securitization and Reconstru-ction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of security Interests (SARFEAST) Act to J&K, Panun Kashmir said, “It has once and for all times put all controversies arising out of the claims of the Muslim separatist flanks in the State and Pakistan with regard to constitutional relationship between J&K and Union of India to rest.