Brace up! Wet, cold January in offing

NEW DELHI, Dec 31: After an unusually warm November and December this season, January is expected to be cold and wet due to formation of three western disturbances expected in the month, bringing sudden rain and snowfall to north India.

A strong western disturbance is expected between January 3-7, which should bring moderate-to-heavy snowfall over hills in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

At the same time, an induce cyclonic circulation over Haryana is likely to shower light-to-moderate rain in Punjab and Haryana between January 6-10.

Delhi may receive light rain on January 6 or 7.

According to Mahesh Palawat, chief meteorologist at Skymet, a private weather forecasting agency, fog is expected over the 255 million hectare Indo-Gangetic plains till January 2 and 3.

Bihar and Jharkhand may receive light rain on January 1 and 2. Dense fog and cold conditions will continue in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and parts of Haryana, north Rajasthan and Delhi.

Another western disturbance is expected between January 17-20. “During that period we expect moderate snowfall over the hills and scattered rains over Punjab, Haryana and north Rajasthan,” Palawat said.

A western disturbance is an extra-tropical storm originating in the Mediterranean region that brings sudden winter rainfall to the northwestern parts of the Indian subcontinent.

January’s last western disturbance could happen between January 27-29, which will be instrumental for a good snowfall in the hills and light rain in parts of Punjab and Haryana.

This year, winter temperatures have been unusually warm due to occurance of the La Nina pattern and global warming. The IMD, in its forecast, has predicted a warmer winter this year. (PTI)