Tourism and economy

This is in reference to the article on “Impact of conflict on State economy” by Dr D Mukhopadhyay Dated 29th December. Though the writer in his discursive write up has referred to the skewed view points on the turmoil being faced by the State but the core issue which he has focused is the significance of tourism as Savior of economy in generic to all of the State but particularly to Kashmir as reflected by either his Kashmir oriented predisposition or shallow observations of the otherwise so intricate realities.
Since the solution is strongly projected as tourism and the writer being professor in SMVDU. I suggest him to make efforts to give proposal to his university authority for MBA in Pilgrimage Tourism Management. This is quite ironical that SMVDU based on the funds from pilgrimage tourism has no course in Tourism Management which is however offered in other State Universities and Central Universities of the State. Since the writer is in academics and has concern for improving the State’s economy through tourism so it is requested to translate words of concern into actions for real contribution.
Yours etc….
on e-ma