61 Industrial Estates established in J-K: Ganga

JAMMU: Minister for Industries and Commerce, Chander Parkash Ganga, today informed the house that 61 industrial estates have been established in the State till date, of which 50 are functional and 11 are being developed.

Replying to a question by Mohammad Muzaffar Parray in the upper house, the Minister said that during the last two years, raw material worth Rs 967.80 crore was provided to SSI Units in the State.

The Minister said that Rs 40.86 crore VAT has been reimbursed to SSI units during this period.

Giving further details, the Minister informed the house that at present 9 industrial estates in the State are being maintained by SICOP, wherein 1400 SSI units have been allotted land, adding that all the basic infrastructure facilities like power, roads, drainage and water supply are being provided round-the-clock to these units.

The Minister further said that Industrial Estate Vessu in Anantnag, spread over to 250 Kanals of land, has also been developed in all respects and is ready for allotment to the SSI Units. (AGENCIES)