NC-Cong members protest in LC on Akhnoor killings, closure of roads

Gopal Sharma
JAMMU,  Jan 9: Opposition National Conference and Congress members today staged strong protest in the Upper House against the killings at GREF camp in Akhnoor last night  due to terror attack and inability of the Government to clear all the blocked link roads due to heavy snowfall and failure to provide essential services to the people in the cut off  remote areas.
As  the Chairman of the Legislative Council  Anayat Ali commenced the proceedings of the House at 11 AM, the opposition Congress and National Conference members including Naresh Gupta, Jugal Kishore, Ghulam Nabi Monga, Sham Lal Bhagat, Rani Gargi Billoria,  Muzaffar Parray, Sajjad Kichloo, Qaiser Jamsheed  Lone, Dr B A Veeri, Showkat  Ganai and Ali Mohd Dar and  Master Noor Hussain  stood up and lodged protest over the killings of three GREF workers  in Khour area of Akhnoor sectior during last night and also closure of various link roads  due to snowfall and alleged failure of Government to provide electricity, water supply and ration to the public in the hilly and far flung snow clad areas.
Not only this, even a PDP member from Kishtwar, Firdous Tak drew the concern of  the Government towards the closure of   various roads in Kishtwar area due to snowfall  and shortage of  essential services in these areas. He also said that many people have been cut off  and they should be provided chopper service.
CLP leader, Jugal Kishore asked the Government to reveal the whole  incident of Akhnoor, whether it was terrorists attack or surgical strike from Pakistani side, in which three innocent sleeping GREF men were killed and the camp/ structure was set on fire during last mid night. He alleged that despite several attacks  in the past, the Government has not taken any lesson and such incidents are being repeated again and again. He said there has gone the 52 inch chest of the Prime Minister Modi and why Government has failed to contain such incidents.
Congress member Naresh Gupta from Bhaderwah and NC member Sajjad Kichloo  from Kishtwar asked what measures were taken to open the link roads which are blocked due to heavy snowfall in Doda, Bhaderwah and Kishtwar areas. They alleged that there was scarcity of drinking water and electricity  and even the CAPD ration  to the people was not available. What measures  have been taken by Govt in this regard. Dr Veeri  and Qaiser Jamsheed Lone also drew the attention of the Government towards these issues.
Chairman, Legislative Council Anayat Ali asked the members to take their seats and said reply from the Government will be sought after the Question Hour is over. The members did not agree and stressed that first Government should respond to these main public issues. They also referred to the issue of the security of the Members of this House and said that their security issue is not being taken  seriously.
Two PDP Ministers Abdul Rehman  Veeri  and Ghulam Nabi Lone tried to pacify but members  were not prepared to listen. Then there were hearted exchanges between the PDP  and  the opposition  members for some time.
As the opposition  members were found reluctant on the issues, the Minister for R&B and Parliamentary Affairs Abdul Rehman Veeri stood up and told the House that Govt will reply to the incident of Akhnoor militants attack at 12.30 pm. He also gave assurance to the protesting members that Government first focused on the Jammu Srinagar National Highway and other important roads. He said the other link roads will also be cleared shortly. The men and Machinery are on the job.  He said the Government will ensure sufficient supplies of the essential commodities. He said if they ask for any specific area, the Govt is ready the address the issues on priority.   Then the members stopped their protest and took their seats and allowed the Question Hour to proceed.