Infant mortality rate in JK has come down considerably: Bali Bhagat

Jammu:    Minister for Health and Medical Education, Bali Baghat informed the House that infant mortality rate has considerably decreased in the state and come well below the national average.

Responding   to supplementary questions of Firdous Ahmad Tak, Surinder Mohan Ambardar and Sajad Ahmad Kichloo in the Upper House today, the Minister said that infant mortality rate in the state has come down from 34% to 26% which is well below the national average of 37%.

Highlighting the measures taken to improve healthcare, the Health Minister said that the Government has focused on filling the gap of medicos and paramedics in the hospitals especially in remote areas.  He said the doctors recently selected by PSC would be posted at the earliest against vacant posts in the hospitals especially in remote areas.

The Minister said there was dearth of Radiologists in the department and the Government is imparting three month radiology training to the Medical Officers to meet the deficiency.

The Minister said that Chief Medical Officer and Block Medical Officer in Kishtwar would be posted shortly. He said the department would also take all steps to provide adequate    healthcare facilities in remote areas of the district like Marwah, Wardwan, Dachan and Padder.

Replying to the main question of Firdous Ahmad Tak, the Minister said that there is shortage of doctors in health institutions of Kishtwar as in other areas of Jammu division.

The Minister said   shortages are being met by means of engagement of doctors under NHM/ISM.

Meanwhile, the Minister also said  that  Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has provided framework along with model bid document, agreement etc. for operation and maintenance of   Primary Health  Centers and Sub-Centers in undeserved and remote areas in partnership with suitable NGOs.  He said the framework and related documents are being examined for considering its implementation in the state on pilot basis.

Sukhnag, Shaliganga power projects to be retendered under revised IPP mode: Andrabi

Minister of State for Power Syed Farooq Andrabi informed the House that 9 MW Sukhnag and 3 MW Shaliganga Mini Hydropower Projects would be retendered under revised Independent Power Producer Mode (IPP), which is being framed by the Government.

Replying  to a question by  Saif-ud-Din Bhat  in the Upper House,  the Minister said pre-feasibility report  for  Mini Hydropower  Projects including 9 MW Sukhnag and  3 MW Shaliganga was framed  by  JKSPDC and  both   these projects were tendered under  J&K State Hydro Electric Projects Development Policy 2011 under Independent Power Producer (IPP) Mode in Phase-III.

The  Minister informed that  Letter of Award was issued  for  HEP Sukhnag and subsequently  withdrawn  due to  failure of the  developer to fulfill  the conditions  precedent  to signing of  implementation agreement including deposition of  upfront premium  and performance  guarantee.

He said in case of HEP Shaliganga there was no response from any developer.  He said the projects would be tendered under revised hydro policy of IPP, which is being framed.

Meanwhile the Minister informed the House that receiving stations Watterhail and Arizal have been taken up under Capex budget at an estimated cost of Rs 2.19 crore and Rs 3.80 crore respectively.  He said Rs 1.31 crore and Rs 3.08 crore have been expended respectively till ending November last year on these receiving stations. He said 70% and 60% works of these receiving stations have been completed respectively.  He said these projects are being implemented on turnkey basis and are targeted to be completed by end of March 2017.

The Minister said that DPR for construction of transformer   repairing workshop at receiving station Kremshore has been formulated at a cost of Rs 43.21 lakh and is under examination.

Legislators Yasir Reshi and Showket Ahmed Ganai raised supplementary questions and urged for improvement and upgradation in overall power scenario in their respective constituencies.