Power cut at Sundance causes cancellation of screenings

LOS ANGELES, Jan 23: Sundance announced that its Redstone theatre experienced a power outage on Sunday afternoon, causing cancellation of the screenings of many films at the ongoing festival.
Films like “Landline”, “Mars Generation” and “Dolores” were affected by the black out and will now be rescheduled, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
“Power outage at Redstone. Mars Generation, Landline and Dolores are cancelled and we will attempt to reschedule. More information to come,” Sundance informed the festivalgoers.
Redstone is a theatre that frequently hosts press-and-industry screenings for films that are up for sale.
The Park City, Utah, area was experiencing particularly windy and snowy conditions on Sunday. It’s the second technical glitch to hit the festival in as many days.
The power outage comes a day after the festival’s ticketing system was hacked, leading to the box office being shut down for a brief period before Sundance was able to get its computers back online. (PTI)