Premature transfers

It appears that PDP-BJP Coalition Government is not going to leave any stone unturned to win the sobriquet of most nepotism ridden Government we had in the State. The way it is favouring the blue eyed Government functionaries by throwing to winds the rules about transfer/posting policy of the Government set forth in a Government order of 2010, it will break the past record in disservice to the people.  In just 21 months this Government has ordered transfer of no fewer than 2000 premature transfers that include IAS, IPS and KAS officers and others.
Transfer/posting is part of a Government employees’ official life. But it is neither arbitrary nor at random. For sometime in the past, reports were coming in of transfers becoming source of nepotism. With a view to streamline the system of transfers and postings, the Government ordered its Transfer Policy in July 2010. It laid down that no Government functionary will be transferred before he or she completes two years tenure at one posting. In very special cases the tenure can be extended to three instead of two years. However, the superior authority had to state the reason for recommending exception to the rule.  What has been happening is that large scale premature transfers have been ordered by the ministers. Regrettably, maximum transfers have happened in the Home and General Administrative Department. As such it is surprising that violation of Government rules begins with the departments which are supposed to be the custodians of the rules. When these two departments have trampled the rules under feet, other departments got cue from it.
The ground reality behind these premature transfers is to please and do favor to blue-eyed boys who are close relatives or family members of high ups like the Ministers, political heavy weights, top bureaucrats and influential business magnates. Those who enjoy the largesse are among the creamy segment of society that has all facilities at its disposal. Whatever be the reason, the culture of ordering premature transfers on such a large scale is a mirror to nepotism ruling the roost. Where are the State and the administration heading to? Where are the loud claims that Coalition Government will eradicate corruption and favoritism rampant in the administration?
We agree and the rules also stipulate, that there can be exceptional cases and circumstances when the rules have to be bent to respond to the necessity of the State. But the rules clearly state that in such circumstances the reasons of ordering pre-mature transfer should be noted and recorded so that it does not become a precedent. We have convincing proofs to contend that in so many cases of pre-mature transfer, no justification and no rationale whatsoever was given. Ordinarily, the order issuing authority should be made accountable and answerable to such gross violation of rules. The most startling aspect of this secretarial lawlessness is that a total of 450 attachments/ deployments have been made during this period without availability of posts to ensure comfort of ‘influential’ and ‘blue-eyed’ officers and officials. This is subversion of law and simply unacceptable. It is tantamount to rubbishing all norms of equitable administration and preservation of the rights of people. It is in violation of the Constitution and the aggrieved persons will have a strong case once they decide to knock at the door of court of law.
We strongly implore the administration to desist from all illegal actions that are in direct violation of the law of the land and tend to subvert the rights of the common man. It can prove disastrous if the practice is not reversed and made compatible to the existing rules of business.