Wake up call for Jammuites

Shiban Khaibri
We must all know as to why our states in the North East have been reeling under a peculiar type of unrest and how much was that due to illegal influx of foreign nationals and the resultant topsy -turviness of the demographic equations and profile. We know how Assam has been in flames intermittently due to this basic reason , the intense   agitation against the “foreign Nationals” of 1980 despite “Assam Acord” and other patch works and cosmetic touches by the then Congress Governments at the state and the Central levels, could not help in letting trails of effects and counter effects resurrect resulting into violence, damaging and destruction of properties worth hundreds of crores of Rupees  and loss of hundreds of precious lives. If the people voted  the BJP to power last year , it is not only to save them from the fury of the Brahmaputra which every year in spate,  brings  havoc  for them and not only for an expected economic take – off, but it is to solve the burning issue of identifying and deportation of foreign nationals who  have had infiltrated in Assam in lacs  and having   made Assam a bed of conflict in respect of encroachment of  land , forest and other natural resources and conflicting with the local culture and customs. Not only are these foreigners proven ruthless in their zeal of invading instincts by grabbing land – first to tent, then raise juggies and makeshift residential arrangements and afterwards, forming full fledged  localities  to defend and later offend and attack the natives to scare them . Who has been allowing them and for what purposes all these years and any demand of the sort from any quarters to deport them is being termed as communalism and raked up are those issues not connected inter- se. Well, statistics right from 1948 till date about these illegal immigrants must rattle the conscience of those who under the garb of secularism, unwittingly  cause  the interests of this country in matters of security, safety, integrity and the demographic equations to be imperiled. The addiction of vote banks has permeated deep into the political system all these 70 years of our independence so as to allow this silent invasion on our country go unabated as the potential vote Bank would add to their electoral gains. Doing this ,  to be precise, democracy and secularism have both been taken for a ride with an eye on  electoral dividends. And dividends have been earned.
In Jammu, we are witnessing similar situation progressively but alarmingly which is coming up under a particular design where foreign nationals even from Myanmar (Burma) are being settled here , likewise Bangladeshi nationals are led to  find haven in Jammu. What is the design? Who is after disturbing the demography of this peaceful region? How can we afford settling those who are not even state subjects of the state , more so – not citizens of this country at all? Why should not we be increasingly and quite seriously get disturbed and raise our voice peacefully but strongly against this nefarious move? Is Jammu going to be made another Kashmir of post 1990 shape  and  made to lose  its cultural,  historical and religious identity as it suited the elements from within and outside to secede the State from the Union of India on religious and fundamentalist grounds ?Let the same be briefly analyzed. .
We know smaller mistakes , miscalculations, relying on one family or a few select politicians in Kashmir , pampering anti India forces, allowing prevalence of maladministration, watering  impliedly extreme fundamentalist and Pakistani forces and resultant emergence of hard core radicalization having brought Kashmir to such a pass that a small girl of  15 years from Srinagar  having earned laurels by her own efforts and hard work and a resultant   debut in a movie, has been coerced into tendering an apology and declaring publicly that she was no role model for anyone and that she had blundered. She   chose not to be a role model as an arch stone thrower on our security forces, hence is opposed vehemently. Even while writing these lines, a few masked youngsters holding placards, coming out from a mosque in the down town, were hoarsely threatening the innocent girl to “desist” from such acts as these were not “allowed”.
Had both the State as well as the Central Governments all these years been very strict but honestly alert in curbing small visible short circuits , Kashmir would have not been reduced to a virtual  spring board of breeding and nursing ideologies of hatred, staunch hard core  interpretation of almost every move in terms of and on the basis of a narrow prism of religious bigotry with immediate and ultimate aim to rebel against India and wrest the state from it.  Anyway, the gimmicks of the Assembly resolution of ” return” of Kashmiri migrants , not worded as  Kashmiri Pandits  notwithstanding, Pakistani hawk Syed  Geelani within seconds instead of  “welcoming”  the move and  tendering  apologies for the gross injustice heaped on the aborigines of Kashmir, the Kashmiri Pandits  because of his stand,  wasted no time in demanding “recalling” of  15 lac Kashmiri Muslims from PoK  and Pakistan  to  be  settled in the State. A sinister move, indeed and the other way of justifying and facilitating Myanmar and Bangladeshi Muslims’ landing in Jammu .
It is surprising as to how, from such a far off distance as Myanmar , Muslim  Rohingyas  should be packed up from there and dropped right in Jammu , a rough estimate of one lac Bangladeshi  and nearly 18000 Rohingyas. These illegal immigrants claim that they were specifically brought only for Jammu.
Who are these Islamic Madarassas, those NGOs  and other “charitable ” organizations who have settled them here, provided financial aid and other logistics, allowed to construct huts with  CGI roofing.? What- if instead of these foreigners , ultras and terrorists would have been dumped in these very areas in Jammu and Samba districts, authorities were so much off the guard so as to allow those behind settling these people here, to have a cake walk? Where are those practicing selective secularism and swearing day in and day out to crush ” Sampradayak shaktian ” by forging series of “Mahagathbandhan” so as not to come clean on their stand on whether they are for foreigners and aliens or for the countrymen?
Has the ruling BJP at the centre which believes in serving all communities in India “including” the majority Hindu community got scared with the pet stereo type parroting of “Sampradayak shaktian” by the selective secularism adherers and advocates in the opposition –  in particular by Communists, Trinamoolians,  Samajwadis and Lalooian School of “thought” that they in Jammu, have chosen to remain silent and dormant on this grave issue having sensitive connotations? How can these Rohingya Muslim nationals from Myanmar be allowed to settle , even temporarily , in a highly sensitive state bordering a fanatic rogue country ? These Rohingyas are known insurgents and trouble shooters and have been attacking and killing native Buddhists of Rakhina state of Myanmar , most attacks and lootings by these people have been taking place in Maungdaw District bordering Bangladesh . They have been pushed out from there in numbers and taking refuge in border areas of Bangladesh, both these Myanmaris (Burmese) and Bangladeshis are brought in this country and now in Jammu under a sinister plan . It is tantamount to ringing of alarm bells as these could turn into sleeper cells working for those whose nefarious interests are served by their presence here. We, the peace loving and patriotic citizens must get a shake from our complacency and see through the design of  the anti India forces along with  advocates of “Gazwa -e-  Hind ” or the daydreamers  of a highly indoctrinated Jihadi terrorists’ view of apocalyptic  “final” war  in India   which is nursed and inculcated in jihadi groups in Pakistan. We have been bleeding for three decades on account of Jihadi terrorism, in this state in particular, and cannot take chances.
Sharing a stark fact of how much have these foreigners been made equivalent to Indian citizens; in NCR area, these foreigners working mostly as domestic helps and labourers, some even having shops are provided with Aadhar cards, Ration tickets, Gas connections, Cell phone connections and what more you need ? Frisk them anywhere whilst they very often shuttle between their native lands and Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida etc, they produce these documents and get away. I was told that they even are “bona fide” voters. No wonder, three districts of Assam are demographically over whelmed by these aggressive foreigners rendering local Assamese as minorities.
What about our Jammu? We alone have to think and act to protect our identity, demographic character, our security and our honour. Political parties, in particular ruling BJP, have to take big initiative in identifying and deporting these Myanmar and Bangladeshi illegally settled immigrants, from Jammu. Please save Jammu and let it not go the Kashmir way.

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