Steps afoot to increase revenue of Wakf assets in Poonch: Farooq Andrabi

JAMMU: The Minister of State for Hajj and Auqaf Syed Farooq Ahmad Andrabi informed the Upper House that there are about 1008 graveyards in tehsil Poonch and the same are protected and well managed by the active assistance of the locals.

The Minister was replying to a Calling Attention Notice given by Dr Shehnaz Ganai in the Legislative Council today.

The Minister informed the house that in Poonch town, there are 7 graveyards which are encroached since long and steps have been taken to retrieve the encroached graveyards.

He further said that steps to bring income generating assets of Wakf Poonch under the control of the department for increasing its income and utilizing the same for the welfare of the people of the area.

The Minister said the preparation of inventory of Wakf property has been done and occupation charges of the assets are being charged from the users adding that as soon as the financial strength of Auqaf Islamia Poonch would improve and encroachment of graveyards is removed, the fencing work of the same would be taken up.