No road proposal from Banihal awaiting clearance with Forest Deptt: Lal Singh

JAMMU: Minister for Forest, Environment and Ecology, Choudhary Lal Singh today said there is no road project from Banihal constituency road awaiting approval with the department.

The Minister was responding to the concerns raised by the legislator from Banihal, Vaqar Rasool. The Minister refuted the allegations, saying that there was no proposal with the department, awaiting clearance.

He said that if there are any allegations against any official of the department backed by the facts, he would take necessary action. He said that Banihal road project has already been cleared last year by December 10. He maintained that Standing Committee headed by the Chief Secretary too had reviewed the proposal and it sent for cabinet approval immediately.

The Minister informed the House, that whatever road projects come to the Forest Department are being scrutinized by the High level committee and addressed immediately.