CB registers FIR in issuance of fake PRC

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 25: Crime Branch Jammu has registered a case in issuance of fake PRC.
According to Crime Branch Jammu copy of the order passed in Revision Petition titled Hari Krishan Sharma Vs Kulbushan Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar passed by Commissioner Secretary to Government Revenue Department J&K was received vide No. Rev/PRC/02/2015 dated 21.11.2016 in the Crime Branch, with the direction to register a formal case against the persons involved in issuance of Permanent Resident Certificates to Kulbushan Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar who were Non-Permanent Residents of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
Perusal of the order passed in the revision petition under section 6 of the J&K Grant of Permanent Resident Certificate (Procedure) Act, 1963 revealed that the Permanent Resident Certificates issued in favour of Kulbushan Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar both sons of Brij Mohan Gupta were challenged through a complaint made by one Hari Krishan Sharma before the Commission of Enquiry for State Subject Certificate which after conducting a detailed enquiry recommended cancellation of the Permanent Resident Certificates of Kulbushan Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar, who had fraudulently acquired these certificates of the J&K State under No. 2986 dated 14.10.1972 and No. 1879 dated 17.09.1973.
It has been further found that both Kulbushan Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar were issued notices by the Government to submit records and objections and it came to fore that Kuldeep Kumar had died in the year 2014 whereas, Kulbushan Kumar failed to submit any substantive reply or record and, as such, the Government while accepting the recommendations of the Commission cancelled the Permanent Resident Certificates of Kulbushan Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar issued under No. 2986 dated 14.10.1972 and No. 1879 dated 17.09.1973 being nonest ab-initio, and directed DC, Jammu, to proceed against the legal heirs in terms of Rule 8 of the J&K Grant of Permanent Resident Certificate (Procedure) Rules, 1968 and directed Crime Branch to register a formal case for in-depth investigation.
From the above it transpires that Kulbushan Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar both sons of Sh. Brij Mohan Gupta with the connivance of the revenue officers/officials had prepared/procured fake and fabricated Permanent Resident Certificates including other revenue documents in their favour as well as in favour of their family members by resorting to fraudulent means in order to have undue benefits being the non State Subjects.
The omissions and commissions, therefore, on the part of Kulbushan Kumar S/o Brij Mohan Gupta R/o Akhnoor, Jammu and the officers/officials of the Revenue Department, prima facie, constitute offences punishable u/s 420,465,466,467,468,471,120-B RPC.