Snowfall in Valley exposes Govt preparedness: PCC chief

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR,  Jan 29: Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president,  GA Mir today said the State Govt remained missing on account of governance and the apathy is that no Minister even tried to visit the Valley to take stock of the problems confronting people due to heavy snowfall this year.
Blaming PDP- BJP coalition for lackadaisical approach towards the people, Mir blamed them for failing to address the problems of  the people arising out of heavy snowfall in Valley and elsewhere, saying that Govt  has not been able to reform the power supply resulting into great hardships to people in the entire Valley.
Expressing serious concern over the power crisis, Mir stated that snow is not  new thing in Kashmir, it was expected anytime, but this year the snow has exposed the State Govt for its unpreparedness. Despite the timely warning from Met Deptt, Govt could not be able thwart the emergent situation arising out of heavy snow fall.
He said rather than taking effective measures to ensure required power supply in rural  and urban areas in the Valley, Govt is only making statements on daily basis about the restoration of power supply, road connectivity, availability of essentials etc, but the fact remains that people continue to suffer on account of adequate power supply, etc, besides the unscheduled curtailment in the entire Valley has added miseries to the people, Mir said.
Accusing the State Govt for failing to reform power supply, Mir said that Govt has neither been able to ensure adequate power, nor it could clear the roads in rural especially hilly areas, which are still disconnected from rest of the State due to heavy snowfall, not only Kashmir, but in various parts of Jammu Division also.
PCC chief  urged upon the Govt to take effective measures to address the power crisis and other issues confronting people in  rural and urban areas due to heavy snowfall and ensure road connectivity to the areas, which are still disconnected from District headquarters. He also stressed upon the Govt to take immediate measures to shift people to safer places  from avalanche prone areas.