Omar’s statement highly objectionable: Sunil Sethi

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 29: Reacting on statement of Omar Abdullah former Chief Minister wherein he has raised allegations against Bhartiya Janata Party in using Judiciary for diluting Art 370 or Art 35 A,  Chief Spokesperson of State Bharatiya Janata Party Sunil  Sethi in a press statement said it depicts totally intellectual bankruptcy of NC leader.
Sunil Sethi further said that Judiciary in India is independent and can’t be used by anyone and statement of Omar Abdullah is contemptuous in nature and tends to scandalize Judiciary which is highly objectionable coming from a person who had held office of Chief Minister in recent past .
Reference of SARFESI judgment of Supreme Court by Omar is also contemptuous.  Judgment which was given by Division Bench of High Court was grossly erroneous on Law and Constitution and as such it was bound to be set aside by Supreme Court. The reference to sub nationalism in Division Bench judgement was highly objectionable and was misreading Constitutional provision and as such has been rightly commented upon by Supreme Court.
He said doors of judicia are open to all and anybody having any contrary view can always participate in court proceedings instead of raising filmsy objections of soft contest by govt . Sunil Sethi further said that Omar should first read stand taken by his Government in affidavit before Division Bench of High Court in SARFESI matter before raising accusing fingers towards anyone.  He is playing politics at the cost of national interest which is intolerable.