Drabu, Kohli review functioning of Animal Husbandry Deptt

Minister for Finance Dr Haseeb Drabu & Minister for Animal Husbandry A G Kohli during a meeting at Jammu on Monday.
Minister for Finance Dr Haseeb Drabu & Minister for Animal Husbandry A G Kohli during a meeting at Jammu on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 30: Minister for Animal, Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department, Abdul Gani Kohli today convened a high level meeting to review the status of funds utilization in Animal Husbandry Department including funding for dairy villages to the tune of Rs 10 crore for establishing 10 milk villages in the State.
Minister for Finance and Culture, Dr Haseeb Drabu was also present in the meeting.
The meeting was informed that in the year 2016-17, 30 lakh commercial poultry units have been provided subsidy under NABARD. It was further informed that various measures to enhance subsidy component are also being taken up with the Finance Department.
It was further given out that new benefits have been proposed under New Poultry Policy to give fillip to the sector including the provision of Rs 1.6 crore as subsidy component for Mini-Sheep Farms to be established in the State. Also enhancement in budgetary provision to keep pace with enhanced raw material costs is also under consideration for trout rearing.
The Finance Minister directed the concerned to submit a proposal in this regard and assured that the refunding issues will be taken up with Government of India.
The Finance Minister directed clearing previous liabilities amounting to Rs 90 lakh.
Director Fisheries J&K, Director Animal Husbandry Kashmir, Director   Animal Husbandry Jammu, Director Sheep Husbandry Jammu, Joint Director Planning and various other officers were also preset in the meeting.