Treat honest taxpayer with dignity and courtesy:CBDT to taxman

NEW DELHI, Feb 11:  The CBDT has urged the Income-Tax department to ensure an enhanced accountability and probity in the public dealings and see to it that honest and tax compliant people are treated with “dignity and courtesy”.
CBDT Chairman Sushil Chandra in a letter to his officials has urged them to stick to these principles and ensure that any “aberrations” are dealt with quickly as per rules.
“I would like all the officers and officials of the department to pursue the path of Revenue, Accountability, Probity, Information and Digitisation (RAPID) as desired by the Prime Minister and reiterated by the Finance Minister.
“While pursuing the path of revenue mobilisation, which is an integral part of our core work, we must always keep in view the assurance given by the Finance Minister that all honest, tax compliant persons will be treated with dignity an courtesy,” Chandra wrote in the letter, also accessed.
The letter comes against the backdrop of people’s concern that the taxman may harass them post demonetisation as crores of pieces of data and lakhs of individuals are being scrutinised by the IT department regarding black money and other financial crimes.
He asked the regional heads and administrative superiors in the department to “ensure greater accountability and probity in all actions taken by the officers and officials of the department” and see that aberrations are treated with prompt administrative response.
He said that abiding by these directives and principles will “definitely go a long way in enhancing the image of the Income Tax department in the eyes of public in general and taxpayers in particular”.
Chandra said a taxpayer-friendly service delivery, provided by a disciplined, motivated and enthused workforce, is “one of the corner stones” to achieve the vision of nation building through progressive tax policy, efficient and effective administration and improved voluntary compliance.
RAPID was coined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the ‘Rajswa Gyan Sangam’ (revenue knowledge conclave) of the tax officers last year. (PTI)