Maintain tangible bonds with all ranks: Khoda to COs

Excelsior Correspondent

DGP Kuldeep Khoda with JKAP/IRP Battalions Commandants at Jammu on Tuesday.
DGP Kuldeep Khoda with JKAP/IRP Battalions Commandants at Jammu on Tuesday.

JAMMU, Apr 24: The Director General of Police (DGP), Kuldeep Khoda today underscored the importance of armed police in dealing with the emergent situations and maintaining law and order in the State and stressed for better synergy among all ranks.
Addressing the participants after inaugurating 2-day 10th Commandants Conference of Jammu and Kashmir Armed/IRP Battalions at Armed Police Headquarters here this morning, he said the policing has been demanding changes in view of the new challenges posed by the criminals and anti-social elements.
Mr. Khoda expressed his satisfaction over the working of Jammu and Kashmir Armed Police in day-to-day policing and said that JKAP is backbone of the Police Organization and its jawans and officers have demonstrated great professionalism, discipline and valour in maintaining peace and saving life and property of the people. He said that the force has offered many sacrifices for the integrity of the State and the nation will always remember these martyrs.
Elaborating the achievements of the force on various fronts, the DGP said that better supervision and inspection by the supervisory officers would improve the working and performance. Encouragement and rewards for the performers, speedy disposal of departmental enquiries would also help in yielding the desired results, he added.
Referring to the measures taken with regard to trainings and logistics, Mr. Khoda said that the department has taken many initiatives to sharpen the training skills of its men. “Latest equipments have been introduced in the force to tackle any emerging situation and all Police Training Institutions across the State have been imparting trainings with new techniques to face the challenges” he ascertained . He said with the introduction of latest methods of investigation, the force will be able to crack and curb the activities of the elements inimical to peace.
Spelling out the issues of police welfare, infrastructure, building, mobility and training, to be discussed in the Conference, Mr. Khoda said that there was an urgent need to re-orient the force at all levels. Infrastructure has been strengthened across the state to provide better living and working facilities to the jawans and officers. He stressed for early land acquisition so that the battalions are fully accommodated.
Emphasising that better coordination at all levels would help to provide better policing to the public which they expect from the “men in Khaki”, he said that the suggestions and recommendations putforth by the delegates would be considered for follow up action at PHQ level.
Earlier, in his welcome address, the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Armed/Law and Order, K. Rajendra Kumar gave a detailed power point presentation on the agenda points, aims and objective for conducting the annual Conference. He said that the Conference will deliberate and discuss various aspects of functioning of Jammu and Kashmir Armed Police and formulate a comprehensive policy to enhance the performance of the force.
On the first day of the Conference, presentations were made by several speakers on different topics which include “changing scenario-police reforms” by IGP, Rauf-ul-Hassan, “significance of effective supervision at battalion level” by Dr. K. K. Saini, “role of police in disaster management” by T. Namgiyal, “introduction of non-lethal weapons and their use in dealing with law and order situations” by K. L. Baghat and “functioning of armed police” by Johnny William.
Among other, the Conference was attended by ADGPs, Dr. Ram Lubhaya and Dr. S. P. Vaid, IGPs, Dilbag Singh, Z. H. Chisti, Dr. B. Srinivas, A. K. Choudhary and G. S. Salathia, DIGS, Mr. Yoginder Koul, Alok Puri, A. Q. Manhas, Danish Rana, A. S. Bali, P. R. Manhas, Garib Dass, and G. A. Dar, all Commandants of armed and IRP battalions and other police officers.