Sat reviews progress of PWD, JMC works in Jammu West

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 17: To review the status of works-in-progress and works to be taken up in Jammu West Assembly Constituency, State president BJP and MLA Jammu West, Sat Sharma (CA) took a review meeting of officials of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) and Public Works Department (PWD). The senior officials of the departments attended the meeting and gave a brief overview to the BJP president concerning works of their departments in Jammu West.
During the meeting, Sharma took a comprehensive review of the physical status of ongoing works. Stressing on the completion of remaining roads in the Constituency, Sharma asked the officials of PWD (R&B) to immediately prepare the estimates concerning the same so that the works which are pending in some areas of the Constituency could be taken up at the earliest and the masses of the Constituency could be provided with best level infrastructure.
Sat Sharma asked the officers to work with dedication and adopt a proactive approach to redress the grievances of the people and ensure overall development of the Constituency.
He also directed the officials of JMC to take up the pending works at the earliest in all 26 wards of Jammu West concerning construction of lanes and drains so that basic amenities could be provided to the residents at their door steps and also directed the officials to regularly check up the sanitation works in each and every nook & corner of the Assembly segment so that cleanliness prevails in every area of Jammu West.
Expressing satisfaction over the pace of works, Sharma stressed on maintaining the same tempo to ensure tangible results are achieved in a time bound manner. He asked the officers to work with sincerity and dedication to come up to the expectations of the people and said that all departments should ensure efficiency and promptness in public service delivery.
He also stated that main focus was given on coordination between the departments as many areas were suffering a lot of problem due to digging of roads and lanes for sewerage and new water pipes system by ERA and it will be seen that the moment the works of ERA are over in areas of Jammu West, immediately the works of maintaining and construction of roads and streets are started to avoid public distress.
Executive Engineer JMC Parvodh Sharma, Executive Engineer PWD, Rajesh Bhagat, State vice president BJP Pramodh Kapahi, State secretary Sanjay Baru, DP Ayodhya Gupta, AEE JMC Varinder Singh, AEE JP Saraf, Ankush Sharma and several others were also present in the meeting.