Veeri reviews status of revenue, relief measures in Anantnag

          ANANTNAG: Minister for Revenue, Relief & Rehabilitation, Abdul Rehman Veeri, today convened a meeting to review the status of various revenue, relief and rehabilitation measures in Anantnag district.  

          During the meeting, the Minister was briefed about the revenue profile of the district and was informed that new 268 patwar halqas have been proposed for Anantnag.

          Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, apprised Veeri of the status of land acquisition cases under different roads and developmental projects in the district. Besides, the performance in Jamabandis and Girdawari preparation was also detailed in the meeting.

        With respect to State and Kahcharai land, it was informed that in Anantnag, as many as, 4389 kanal of state land and 9491 kanal of Kahcharia land has been cleared of encroachments, so far. It was also apprised that a mechanism to retrieve the encroached land has been established wherein monthly report of land eviction is being reported to the Financial Commissioner Revenue on regular basis.

          Further, it was informed that 25 Pacca houses and 110 Kachha houses have been dismantled while over 3.5 lakh trees along the banks of Jhelum River have been removed in the district.

          The meeting was also informed about relief and rehabilitation measures taken in the aftermath of devastating 2014-floods.

Giving details, it was said that under SDRF, a total of 19985 structures were damaged with loss of Rs 22.79 crore, of which, Rs 22.27 crore have been disbursed among various beneficiaries. Besides, an amount of Rs 53.76 crore has been distributed among the beneficiaries under PMNRF while as there is a liability of Rs 36.82 crore pending with the Centre under PMNRF and PMDP, the meeting was told.

          The meeting also reviewed performance under Public Services Guarantee Act, Right to Information Act, disposal of cases registered with State Vigilance Commission and State Vigilance Organisation and the remittance made by the Department in terms of mutation fees, revenue extract fees and recoveries.

          On the occasion, the Minister announced that a new Sub-division will be setup at Bijbehara within a week’s time for which all formalities have been completed. He said that Revenue Department acts as an interface between different departments and thus Officers must play their role diligently. He exhorted upon Tehsildars to be more proactive so that people are facilitated in a better manner. He asked the officers to work with added zeal and devotion besides asking the revenue functionaries to constitute citizen councils/forums to make the administration more participatory and accountable.

          ADDC, ADC, ACR, SDMs of Kokernag, Dooru and Pahalgam, besides Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars and other concerned attended the meeting.