Air Gun

Sunil R P Sethi

Childhood was filled with playing tricks and pranks though most of times with innocense and without desire or intention to hurt anyone . They were both friends with lot of similarities, both were good at heart  but bad in studies . Their time together was always filled with gossip. In college also they were inseparable.  No concern or worry about future when their colleagues were busy making moves for careers.   Raj and Sunny knew life this way
It was extreme winter and exams were about two months away . They were preparing for exams together . Nights were also together in house of either of them for studying . Families of both friends were happy that atleast they were studying . But they  spent less time  for studies and more for other things . On a chilly night around 11 pm or so they decided that enough study had been done , full one hour , so it was time to take a walk so as to remain awake. Airgun of Sunny was taken along . In early 80s security scenerio was comfortable.  They went to Circular road and started firing with Airgun on targets like tree or Gate of Muncipal Library.  There was a lamp  at the outpost of residence of high Govt official may be Chief Secretary.  Between  two friends, it was a bet fixed – who can hit that bulb by Airgun shot . Both knew that it  was not possible from such distance . First shot was  aimed by Raj and it was bang on target.
With bulb hit by Airgun the lone guard on the post who must be sleeping woke up and came out with the chowkidar and seeing two boys on road they understood who had broken bulb and ran towards them. Chowkidar ran towards other side to block the only way they could run towards graveyard. Seeing them running towards graveyard the chasers stopped and pelted stones on them and then went back abusing . Both friends were in midst of Graveyard in chilly night with blankets on them and the Airgun which had created all problems.  They had to move towards river and then take a round of three kilometres to take alternative route towards Shahidhi Chowk .
Fear had gripped them moving in graveyard and it was already midnight. They heard faint voice of female from shed in the graveyard which sent a chill down their spines.  Moving ahead trembling they saw to their horror a young girl tied with cloth in a shed and a young boy who must have abducted her . She was pleading for mercy . It was dark except dim light coming from a pillar in shed . Mustering courage Sunny shouted at the stranger to run away lest he will be killed and Raj held Airgun out towards boy . In dark, it was difficult for a boy to distinguish between Airgun and real Gun and he ran away after threatening that he is brother of dreaded Criminal . It took few seconds to Sunny to realise the identity of person and the problem they have created for themselves but saving girl was more important.The boy having left,  they took girl along and moved out of graveyard without talking a word to girl who was too terrified to speak . She was also resident of the same locality and had been kidnapped the same evening while returning home late . Both friends also had fear that if someone saw them together it would create more problems . Somehow they left the girl outside her home and reached house of Sunny . It was already 2 am . Scaling wall and entering their room was such a relief . Night which would leave imprints on their future life had passed but they were not sure about its fallout.
Two days thereafter the father of girl came to them , an aged Kashmiri Pundit . He wept inconsolably and left like that with folded hands . They did ask whether he wanted action to be taken by police and offered to stand as witness but he refused for fear of disrespect and dishonour it would bring to his daughter. After a week both friends went to area where the shop of abductor was to fight with their contradiction whether he had recognised them . They took mutton from his shop . However he hadn’t identified them . Mutton they fed to Street Dogs on way back .
Life took full circle . After 30 years the girl came to office of Sunny with her daughter to discuss her problem . They recognised each other but only eyes spoke.
(The author is Senior Advocate)