Pahalgam mini-power project

In 2006, when late Mufti Sayeed was the Chief Minister, a mini power project had been installed in Pahalgam with a view to supply power to this tourist destination uninterruptedly. It was a very good and sensible scheme. Pahalgam mini-hydel power project is run by Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Corporation (JKPDC). In the year 2013 the project was upgraded and one more unit was added to it.
But the project needed overhauling to make it functional all the time. Ever since it’s upgrading the project has not been overhauled with the result that it has stopped functioning. The consumers have plunged into darkness as it is totally dysfunctional. The Engineers know that such mini projects need timely overhauling to keep them in functional status. It is no fun to have invested all the money and at the end of the day the project is going to become a liability.
Experts have always recommended that we should have small and mini power projects which are manageable and ask for less investment. But here is an example that even a mini power project is not maintained as it should be. How then can we say that installing more mini projects will solve the problem of power deficit in the State?  The PDD should forthwith get the mini power unit at Pahalgam overhauled and electric power supply restored.