Unrest in Kashmir

DK Kotwal
By and large the regular calendar shut downs, stone pelting and enmasse protest in the valley had become a thing of the past but after a brief spell of 3-4 months’ hibernation and lull again there is a resurgence of violence, with protests and hurling of stones across Kashmir . In two militancy related  encounters that occurred back to back in Handwara and Bandipora between militants and securities forces, 4 militants were gunned down, two precious civilian lives were lost and four army personnel including a Major were martyred. These encounters were followed by massive public protests against the security forces and the stone pelting was conducted on a large scale mostly by misguided and instigated teenagers and some youths in their twenties whereas these boys should have been in schools and colleges busy with their studies and career making activities. The life of  these blooming youths is ruined. What’ll they do in their later life? Who is responsible for their this condition? But one thing is crystal clear that they are the unfortunate children of the ill – luck parents belonging to the lowest rung of the society.
During last summer unrest, the school buildings were set ablaze and their number is 42. As of now these ill – fated children have no schools to attend to. It is now an open secret that these kids are paid off motivated volunteers. With the announcement of the demonetization on November 8, 2016, initially there was a slowdown in the stone pelting and then it evaporated completely but within a short period of time of 3-4 months break it is speculated that  the inner and outer militancy supportive agencies again are successful in pumping the money for militancy related activities in the valley but it is certain beyond any iota of doubt that the sponsors of militancy rather it won’t be out of place to call them  as killers of innocent people, are once again hyper active in disturbing the peace in the valley. Whether the killed one is a militant, a civilian or a security force personnel, we have to understand that they are also the sons of the some mothers; can’t we realize and feel pangs of mothers, sisters and widows? All of us are blinded folded people, incapacitated to think and act for benevolence of human kind.
Only in the last two summer uprisings that is in 2010 we lost more than 120 priceless civilians and up to 100 in 2016 and in this summer unrest many children were blinded and thousands of civilians and security force personnel were injured and also some security force people became martyrs, for such a violent condition and atmosphere that is prevalent in Kashmir, the two Governments – J&K, Central, civil society of the country, moralists and spiritualists of the country cannot go scot free, they will have to own the responsibility for the created deteriorated situation in Kashmir. History and coming generations won’t forgive them as they have failed to resolve the problem for a long seven decades time. To put the uncalled for situation in Kashmir on rails of normalcy the misguided youths and ISI backed sympathizers who provide cover to terrorist are to be reached out and engaged without lowering the security forces guard against the youths who have picked up the guns. The strategy to be employed ought be to wean away the youths from the clutches of the handful separatists and the umbilical cord that exists between the separatists and the militancy sponsoring neighbor is to be snapped. The misguided youths and silent law abiding majority in Kashmir need counseling and preaching about the hard facts, telling them that the much hyped implementation of UN resolution on Kashmir is an obsolete concept even UN itself has come out many times explaining about its non – utility and irrelevance. Here in the state the democratically elected Government remains dominated by the representation of the state majority community. To substantiate this view of mine I would like to put forth an example that recently PSC was slammed for job bias against Jammu. Here Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman of J&K Panthers Party said, “It is shocking to note that Jammu has been subjected to grave injustice in employment. In the recently published selection list of Assistant Professors in the discipline of commerce, merely 13 posts went to the Jammu region out of 50; the rest went to the candidates from Kashmir. In the open merit category In Education subject, out of the 58 posts, 47 selected candidates were from Kashmir province and only 11 were from Jammu province.” Where is the injustice with Kashmiri youths? The democratically elected political class and the political main stream parties have to bring a sea change in their outlook in tackling the Kashmir problem, especially the out of power state political parties openly side with the alienated elements in Kashmir justifying their course of action and in this way such opportunist parties are doing irreparable damage to the social and secular fabric of the state. It is very painful to say that top brass of NC leadership, both father – son duo has indulged in siding with unwanted elements of Kashmir. Instead, all political parties, intellectual class, civil society and others have to work in unison towards the resolution of the problem . The political parties have tremendous human resources at their disposal and they can utilize them in reaching out the masses in Kashmir especially youths by involving them in constructive and meaningful activities such as seminars, discussions, interactions, debates at school, collages, universities and among other hoi polloi exposing them to the right and corrective prospective of working of state and Central Governments towards Kashmir.
The Indian Government is following the policy of bribing the Pakistan backed separatists in Kashmir, doubling their dough and thinking that the things would be sorted out but they are living in fool’s paradise. Shunning this most immoral and ineffective policy, instead, spend this amount of taxpayers’ money upon organizing programs for Kashmiri youths making them understand that the children of those people who are using them for their vested interests are studying or doing jobs either in the high profiled institutions of the country or abroad and they (youths) pelting stones will remain illiterate and will have to live a wretched and fanatic beast life. The misguided youths are own children and they need our human humane approach to bring them round to our views. Mr. Modi PM of India has been largely successful in establishing the friendly, trade and business conducive ambiance with the powerful world nations and even with the Islamic countries for which he deserves nation’s sincere appreciation but on the bouncy turf of Kashmir he seemed so far apprehensive lacking confidence to bat on, he is a politically acumen politician and man of development must without any further procrastination gird up his lions, draw up a Kashmir policy focusing upon the bringing home the directionless youths and other kashmiris. Delhi has to be closer to Kashmir, listening to the grievances of the grieved and addressing them immediately. Engagement of the disgruntled and disillusioned youths is a must. Send the battery of ministers and other officials to Kashmir to be in constant touch and proximity of  Kashmiris. Own up them as our own children.