Changed strategy

Pakistan’s proxy war has affected us tremendously socially and economically since decades together. The militant influx across the border has remained a continuous conspiracy hatched by Pakistan for a long ago. India is fighting it with all means and might. All along militants have been hoodwinking our security forces in one way or the other. They are quite familiar with the topography of the State in comparison to our security forces. Secondly, they get safe hideouts amongst the locals so far as the Valley is concerned. Recently, at Bandipora we lost our five army jawans including one officer in the operation.
This is a changed strategy of militants to mix with the people  when and where some trouble is in the sight. This strategy on the part of militants has now posed a new challenge before our security forces. Although our Govt agencies have timely warned the people about the present dangerous and uncalled for situations that are being created by the militants in the Valley, it is a matter of great concern.
To counter the terrorists incursions, a broad based strategy involving all stake-holders has to be developed working on the premise of least casualties on our side. This will help improve the morale of the forces fighting the terrorists and work in ensuring security for our citizens.
Yours etc…
S N Raina