Deputation period

Sometimes Government feels the need of sending officers on deputation to other departments/organizations for more efficient administration. This practice has been in place since long and continues till date. However, with the passage of time, the practice began to be abused and misused. Sometimes officers sent on deputation find themselves in very comfortable position enjoying many facilities. They then maneuver things and get extension after extension of their deputation.  Normally only such officers manage things in their interest as have strong political and administrative support. Otherwise, they would be sent back after the period of deputation is over.
The Department of Personnel and Training of the Government of India has issued order stating that the maximum period of deputation will be five years. Once an incumbent has completed his term of five years he is to be repatriated to his original department. There are also deputations abroad and incumbents have been obtaining extension beyond five years. Now under this order such extensions will not be granted and a limit has also been put on deputation allowances paid to an officer serving on deputation.
This decision has to be welcomed for two reasons. One is that no one Government functionary should be given the opportunity of enjoying the fruits of deputations for all the time or maximum of time while there are others also waiting in the wings. Secondly, as the human nature is, others become jealous of a person who manages diversion of facilities to himself. This does not help good governance. In our State administration, the facility of sending them on deputations and then allowing them deputation allowances as well is the practice. We would like the State Government to follow in the footsteps of the Central Government and issue similar order curbing the prevailing practice. Our Government should also fix the maximum tenure of deputation and should decline to extend it in any case. This will help in good governance.