Refugees still refugees

Er J R Aryan
What a more bigger and an awful tragedy in the form of human rights violation could  there be on earth than the one in Jammu and Kashmir which claims itself to be a heavenly land but has been creating a hell for the refugees of 1947, 1965 and 1971 who crossed onto this side of their own State J&K for their safe living and settlement by denying them to live like a citizen of J&K as a State Subject. They have been here since decades almost having spent a life time without being declared as State Subjects and are being treated as rolling stones or vagabonds merely under the vague ideology that they happen to be mostly non-Muslims and are from the minority section of  the society. Had they not been non-Muslims they would have been accepted with open arms and declared State Subjects the same year they crossed over.
Is this not a slur on our vibrant national democracy which our national leaders, as a whole must feel and realize to have this kind of glaring human right strangulation at once done away with. All the migrants from India who willingly crossed over to Pak/POK during 1947, 1965 or 1971 stand given the privilege of being the inhabitants of Pak or POK while here in J&K the migrants or refugees most of whom basically happen to be inhabitants of J&K, are still refugees crying hoarse for their permanent settlement of being treated as
State Subjects are till date without justice or any positive results which is nothing short of a slur on all human norms and tantamounts to an open strangulation of human values.
How strange that under a latent calculated move of the Valley eccentric  politicians, anti-national, disruptive and insurgent forces the State Govt is keeping its eyes closed on the glaring influx of the inhabitants of Bangladesh and Rohingyas having settled in various parts of Jammu region with all amenities and are likely to be treated as citizens of J&K for whom Art 370 and Section 35A stand nowhere and there is not a single voice from any corner of the valley or their mainstream representatives and even the State Govt is mute and mum and the Central Govt is numb and dumb.
Not only this, it is also that happens here in J&K that if the youths of the Valley under the frenzy of anti-national feelings and exploitation of sessionists and pro-Pak forces join militancy and cross over to Pakistan for bullet training in the various camps.  Some of these militants get married in Pak and ultimately come with their families and children via Nepal and other parts of India under the title of surrendered militants. Here, they are all welcome to be citizens of J&K by the J&K Govt while Govt of India stands as a spectator and the Article 370 and Sec 35A become deaf and dumb for those elements.
Is the controversial Article 370 despite being a temporary provision together with section 35A both of which were incorporated in the constitution years after the legal irrevocable ? Accession of the J&K State with India, meant to prevent and debar the entries, settlement, habitation and rehabilitation with domicile status to these nationalistic refugees in J&K despite their  being basically of the State for the sole dirty reason that almost all of them are non-Muslims belonging to minority sections of the society, while keeping all the routes and doors open for entry, resettlement and permanent habitation  for all those disruptive, anti-national and secessionist and separatist elements of the State.
Is this not a  broad day robbery of humanitarian values requiring its being put to an end one for all ?
It is also worthwhile to mention that Kashmiri Pandit migrants about 2.5 to 3 lacs having left their home and hearths 27 years back on being displaced from the Valley by militants and antinational forces are considered by the Govt to be resettled in the Valley but their resettlement should be exclusively at one or at the most two adjacent locations with full arrangements of adequate security protections and other livelihood requirements.