Governor felicitates Langar Organisations

JAMMU:  At a function organised by Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board at Jammu, Governor N. N. Vohra, who is Chairman of the Shrine Board (SASB), felicitated Langar Organisations for voluntarily rendering valuable services to the pilgrims in every annual Yatra. He distributed Certificates of Appreciation to 120 Langar Organisations and NGOs who  established Langars and rendered varied services to the Yatris during Shri Amarnathji Yatra 2016. Dr. S. P. Vaid, Director General of Police was present on the occasion.

Lauding the contribution of the Langar Organisations in serving free food facility throughout the Yatra to pilgrims in the difficult mountainous terrain and challenging climatic conditions, Governor thanked all these organisations for playing a notable role and for their valued relationship with the Shrine Board ever since it was established.

Governor emphasised the high importance of ensuring that every aspect of the Yatra is viewed and handled systematically and in a disciplined manner. He observed that the pilgrimage to the Holy Shrine is not possible without a very closely coordinated approach between each of the various concerned agencies. He hoped that this year too, notwithstanding the heavy snow accumulation en-route Yatra area, the pilgrimage would commence on 29th June as scheduled.  He thanked the State Government departments and agencies, private service providers and Security Forces for their invaluable contribution in making this annual pilgrimage possible.

It is pertinent to mention that the Langar Organisations and NGOs from across the country provide free food facility, install public address systems, set up free shoe racks, provide medical facilities, install lighting on the tracks etc every year. Even before the Shrine Board was set up these Organisations were providing services to the Yatris and are one of the important stake holders in the annual conduct of the Shri Amarnathji Yatra.

Sh. Vijay Thakur, President, and Sh. Rajan Gupta, General Secretary, Shri Amarnath Barfani Langars Organisation (SABLO); Sh. Rajan Kapoor and Sh. Rajiv Sethi, President and General Secretary, respectively of Shri Amarnath Yatra Bhandara Organisation (SAYBO); Sh. Surinder Mohan Agarwal, President and Sh. Karan Singh Charak, General Secretary, Shri Baba Amarnath and Buda Amarnath Yatri Niyas and other apex Langar Organizations were present on the occasion. They thanked the Shrine Board for recognizing their services during the Yatra.

P .K. Tripathi, Chief Executive Officer of the Shrine Board, in his Welcome Address, apprised the LOs about the continued endeavour of the Shrine Board for providing better services to the Yatris. CEO further informed that all the Sewadars are being provided free Accidental Insurance Cover since Yatra 2015 and stressed the need for the Langar Organisations to strictly adhere to all terms and conditions laid down by the Board for the functioning of all the Service Providers in the Yatra area Jitendra K. Singh, Additional Chief Executive Officer of the Board, presented the Vote of Thanks.