Shopian Bus Stand

Refer editorial Shopian Bus stad, 7th March. The stinking condition of the Bus Stand Shopian, brought out in the editorial, reflects true picture of the spot. In fact to call it a bus stand is a misnomer. Belonging to the town, I can safely say that it was never used  for the desired purpose. Soon after acquisition, a big chunk of the land was allotted to the private individuals for raising commercial buildings and the gas stations.
Most cruel aspect of the matter is that land underneath the bus stand belonged to the displaced Pandit community of the town. Non-existent “public purpose” was invoked to acquire it in their absence. As told, owners are still in wait of the adequate compensation. Matter needs to be examined in detail as to why the land of the exile was taken over at a time when the Government was, reportedly, in search of space to rehabilitate the exiled community, back in the Valley.
Yours etc…
B L Saraf
Lower Muthi, Jammu