Abdul Haq inspects flood protection works in Jammu

BISHNAH, MARCH 11: Minister for Rural Development Panchayati Raj, Law and Justice Abdul Haq today inspected the ongoing flood protections works in Jammu and called for expediting these works to complete the projects at earliest.

Abdul Haq visited Rehal-Kalandria Panchayat in Bishnah block to inspect the work on flood protection bunds at Aik Nallah under MGNREGA. The Minister expressed satisfaction over the work and said that the work under MGNREGA will protect a large population of the Bishnah block from floods in future.

The protection walls being constructed on both banks will of Aik Nallah will also protect the bridge constructed by R&B over the tributary. The bridge was damaged last year due to floods. However the Rural Development Department took up the work to protect the bridge and the villages by constructing protection wall of 600 MTRs length at the cost of Rs 1.5 crore.

The Minister was informed that the work on the project is near completion and about 400 metres of protection walls have been completed. He directed the officials to expedite the work on the project so that it is completed at the earliest.

On the occasion, locals of the village interacted with the minister and thanked him for taking up the work under MGNREGA to protect the village and the bridge in particular from getting damaged during rainy season. They informed the minister that the bridge was damaged due to floods owing to weak banks across the Nallah near the bridge. They said under MGNREGA, the Rural Development Department has constructed strong support to the bridge and Bunds to the Nallah which will protect adjoining villages from devastation.

The Minister later visited Shibuchek village in Saidgarh Panchayat to take stock of the ongoing work on 5 feet deep drain under MGNREGA. The minister directed the officials to complete the work within stipulated time.

Abdul Haq said the department has done some of the innovative works under MGNREGA shunning the old practice of construction of drains on political considerations. He said valuable assets are being created under MGNREGA and major flood protections works were carried out by the department in various flood prone areas of the state. He commended the role of officers in implementing the scheme effectively on ground.

Minister was accompanied by ACD Jammu Tasir Lateefi, BDO Bishnah Nazia Chowdhary, Tehsildar Bishnah Rafiq Ahmad, JE’s, and other officers of the department.