Tript’s Dogri poetry

O P Sharma
Rakesh Sharma has now come out with a new Dogri book of poety entitled “ Mere Geet, Meriyan Gajalan”. His first collection of Dogri poems “ Solane Aanne Sachh”  which had been well received by the readership.
It seems this Dogri poet has maintained the flow of ideas, sentiments and experiences in his creative venture in a distinct style and  substance in his mother-tongue, Dogri.
“Mere Geet, Meriyan Gajalan” contains a total of 101 poetic compositions, out of which 39 are Geet and 62 are Gajalan touching a variety of topics, themes and subjects symbolizing the poet’s emotions, imagination and tender feelings about the nature, tender human sentiments, experiences of love, sense of patriotism and natural scenic splendor of our land and its people.
With passage of time, the poetic composition of Mr “Tript” has attained height of imagination and depth of philosophy of life. His Dogri poetry is marked by basic human feelings and experiences of day to day life of the common masses. He dives deep into human nature, is influenced by the natural beauty and high moral values. He has the vivid expression of the salient features of Duggar’s land and the cultural ethos and value system. In his poetic composition, he has highlighted the basic character, urges and aspiration of the common citizens and given shape to their desires and dreams.
An eminent writer-cum-broadcaster Dr Nirmal Vinod has, in his background note, put a good word for Rakesh Sharma Tript and his  style of Dogri poetry. The Dogri Gajalan by this poet is a class of their own and hold promise. Another noted writer K K Shakir has also expressed appreciation for the appeal of Tript’s Dogri poetry in this 120-page book. Both have critically analyzed and evaluated the Dogri poetry of Rakesh Sharma ‘Tript’ and lauded his efforts in enriching the Dogri language and its literature.
It is noteworthy that this Dogri poet too has attempted at the difficult task of writing “ Ghazals” and to some extent proved his mantle in this genre .
This book under review will be welcomed by the Dogri readership and enjoy the creative Tript’s poetic compositions. He has been serving the Dogri language in his own way, which is indeed appreciable.