Singh hails lifting of blockade in Manipur

Singh hails lifting of blockade in Manipur
Singh hails lifting of blockade in Manipur

NEW DELHI:  Union Minister Jitendra Singh today hailed the lifting of economic blockade in Manipur, claiming the move is in line with the promise Prime Minister Narendra Modi had made ahead of the state assembly polls.

“The Prime Minister had committed to people of Manipur last month that soon after the BJP government takes over (in the state), the blockade will be lifted.

“And it has been lifted, living up to the Prime Minister’s commitment,” the Minister of State in PMO said.

The five-month-long economic blockade in Manipur was lifted last night after successful talks among the Centre, state government and Naga groups.

The blockade was imposed by United Naga Council on November 1 protesting creation of seven new districts by erstwhile Okram Ibobi Singh-led Congress government in the state. (AGENCIES)