Government committed to inclusive development of all regions: Kohli

RAJOURI: The Minister for Animal, Sheep Husbandry  and Fisheries Abdul Ghani Kohli  today said  that the government is committed to  holistic development and prosperity of people of  Jammu and Kashmir, irrespective of region, religion, cast and creed.

He further said that the agenda of Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government at the centre is “sab ka sath sab ka vikas” which would change the development scenario of every region.

Terming peace is a pre-requisite for development and prosperity, he asked the people to cooperate with the government in defeating the divisive forces.

Abdul Ghani Kohli was addressing a public meeting here at Dunghi Ghrati village of his home constituency Kalakote.

He said the people to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and contribute   their bit  towards  development of their region as also  for overall development of the nation.

“Maintaining peace and harmony is the priority of both the central and state governments. The development of a country is not possible without amity and bother-hood among its citizens”, he asserted.

The Minister said that every religion is based on the principle of truth and non violence and tolerance for other’s religion. “We have to understand that differences, if any, can be bridged only through dialogue.  It is   moral duty of our leaders to preach people that co-existence is must for survival of human kind, he added.

Kohli advised the gathering to follow the path of truth, faithfulness and defeat the elements who try to divide the society. He asked the people to   focus on reviving their culture and development of traditional trades.

Various issues pertaining to development were raised by the people, which were mainly related to augmentation of drinking water, better road infrastructure, installation of transformer and construction of roads.

The Minister assured the gathering that all left out modas would be   provided   electricity and drinking water facilities. He issued on spot instructions to the concerned authorities with regard to other problems    projected by the people.  He also announced power transformers and one kilometer road for connecting cremation ground at Dunghi Ghrati .

Senior officers of district administration besides officers of animal, sheep husbandry and fisheries were also present at the meeting.