Shri Ram – The Consciousness of Bharata

Sunil Raina Rajanak

The birth of Bhagwan Ram is celebrated as Ram Navmi, the ninth day of waxing of moon in the month of chaitra. On this day the images of Bhagwan Rama are placed on swing and are worshipped as Ram Lalla, besides well decorated and colorful processions is taken with messages from Bhagwan Rama’s life to the humanity.
The message of Bhagwan Rama is practical aspect of teachings of moral values. The life and times of Rama are very aptly detailed in Valmiki’s Magnum Opus – Ramayana which captures all the shades of Bhagwan Rama’s life with incidents and events.
The story of Bhagwan Rama is spread across Indian Sub-Continent, such is the popularity of Bhagwan Rama that his life story – Ramayana has been told, written, played, memorized and passed on from one generation to other since ages.
The central motif of Ramayana is the upholding of values for the betterment of humanity. Bhagwan Rama personifies the divine incarnate on earth, embodiment of kindness, compassion, humility, integrity, sacrifice and love who teaches us the principles of Dharma which means the ability to outgrow your animal instincts, feed others, comfort others, enable others to find meaning so that we all live in harmony with our society.
Ramayana describes Bhagwan Ram as,
Ek – Bani (one whose arrow always strikes the target)
Ek- Vachani (one who always keeps his words)
Ek – Patni (one who is devoted to a single wife)
Maryada Purshottam – Supreme upholder of rules.
Bhagwan Rama performed his duties according to the Dharma. When he was asked to retreat to exile Rama never complained nor did he fight back in anger, rather he helped his father to fulfill his promise almost compromising his comforts and rights. He did not get enraged but lived according to the duty as a son. This conveys to us that given a choice Dharma (discharge of duty) must be placed above Artha (acquirement of wealth). Thus, Bhagwan Rama peacefully treads the path of Dharma leaving the pleasures of princely living.
Bhagwan Rama also teaches us to choose Moksha (the final emancipation) over Kama (the gratification of desire). After the battle of Lanka, Bhagwan Rama leaves Sitaji in forest, for the subjects doubt her chastity. He was a King and had the final word as far as his desires were concerned but he fulfills the duty as a King else there would have been resentment and disharmony in society. Therefore, he acts once again, selflessly to choose his kingdom and subjects over his personal desires.
Bhagwan Rama is a perfect communicator. A true leader in his right. He communicates with love and affection with his people a perfect example is when his army had planned to cross sea to rescue Sitaji. He teaches his army of monkeys the art of discipline. An important lesson is communicated when during building bridge over the sea a squirrel also contributed by picking small pebbles and carrying them over to the sea. By this action of squirrel, the other warriors got irritated and tried to shoo away the squirrel. On seeing this Bhagwan Rama took the squirrel in his hands and brushed its body with three fingers thus leaving three stripe marks on the body. At the same time conveying to the warriors that this small creature is contributing in its own way, “to everyone according to their capacity”. Thus, acknowledging the smallest contribution of everyone around which is hallmark of a perfect leader.
Killing of ten headed Ravana by Bhagwan Rama is a subtle message for all of us that arrogance, greed, lust, covetous desires, deceitfulness, infatuation, hatred, pride, anger, selfishness and crookedness leads one to the path of destruction. How much wealthy, smart, rich, beautiful we are and if our Karma is demonic then we are bound to suffer frustration and defeat. The perfect example is Ravana who is despised by everyone because of his above qualities whereas Bhagwan Rama was the humble, egoless and compassionate, thus worshipped by one and all.
Bhagwan Rama’s message to all humanity is:
Be a good child – Obey your parents and if need be sacrifice your comfort for the dignity of parents.
Be a good sibling – Remain loyal to your brothers and sisters.
Be a good spouse – Be in thick and thin with your spouse, whether there are bad times or good times one must be steady fast in one’s relation.
Be a good friend – Value friendship and give your best to sustain the relationship with friends.
Be a good Administrator – Sacrifice everything for your people, your comfort, pleasure, convenience and serve them as your own blood only then they will remember you as an icon for all times to come. By leading a life of virtue & truthfulness the people around shall learn and follow the same.
Be humble – Serve the people around you with compassion and be humble. Life is short as we never know when the end will come hence be considerate towards everyone.
Let these life teachings of Bhagwan Rama slay the demon of ignorance residing in our beings, vanquish adharma within us and let purity, honesty, courage, humility and righteousness be the guiding factors in our lives. It is these endearing and humane teachings from life of Bhagwan Rama that throught ages the idea of Rama has encapsulated the mortals. From Kashmir to Indonesia and from Ayodhya to inner Atma the idea of Bhagwan Rama has guided the humanity. It was due to these attributes that Father of the Nation Mahtama Gandhi wanted to establish Rama Rajya, in fact the only words which escaped his lips were “Hey Rama”.