RSS advances with PDP help may hit communal harmony: Karra

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 1: Questioning the motive behind surrendering a safe MLC seat to BJP backed RSS man in Kashmir Province by PDP, Senior Congress leader and former Minister Tariq Hameed Karra today said that PDP has now officially opened gateway to Kashmir for RSS.
He said the trend is extremely dangerous and is bound to put the majority community in the ‘land of saints’ at danger. In a statement to press Karra said that despite huge resentment against their every decision, PDP leadership continues to live in oblivion and facilitate RSS in gaining foothold in the Muslim Majority areas of the State thus bartering the lives, peace and even religious belief of people for power.
The former PDP leader who parted ways with the party for allying with BJP said that most of them being themselves Muslims, the PDP leadership should have been able to read the writings on the wall by taking a cue from recent incidents of UP and should have given preference to the interests of people over the chair, but unfortunately they did exactly opposite to that and instead of stopping the march of the saffron brigade to Muslim majority areas of the State, the PDP chose to be the prime facilitators for RSS to reach these areas through constitutional institutions which was impossible till 2015 when PDP got into alliance with BJP. He said presence of RSS in Muslim majority areas of the state is bound to disturb the communal peace and harmony in these area.
While condemning the PDP for surrendering safe legislative Council seat to a hardcore RSS man G L Raina alias Ajay Bharti who is a known Pracharak of RSS, Karra said that the decision would provide official cover to these fascist forces to reach, otherwise out of bound areas for them and penetrate into the Muslim society.
The former MP said that he has huge respect for all religions but being a proud Muslim and a proud Kashmiri first, he will never hesitate for raising voice against the fascist forces which have put ‘my religion and my community’ to danger with collaboration and facilitation of PDP.