11 bovine animals rescued

Excelsior Correspondent

KATHUA, Apr 1: Kathua police today rescued eight bovine animals. However the driver of the vehicle in which these animals were being smuggled into the State from Punjab and his associate managed to escape.
Police said that during the wee hours today Police Party of P/S Kathua headed by SHO PS Kathua, Sarabjeet Singh under the supervision of Dy SP Headquarters Kathua, S.S. Sambyal and on the directives of Pawan Parihar, SSP Kathua, laid down a naka at Berian Pattan and intercepted one truck bearing registration No. JK2AS-8825 loaded with 08 bovine animals which was on way from Punjab towards J&K via river Ravi.
Police said on noticing the naka party, driver of the vehicles and his associate managed to escape leaving behind the vehicles taking the advantage of darkness. During checking of the vehicle, Police rescued 08 bovine which were being transported in the vehicle illegally. Police has launched a man hunt to nab the accused persons and in this regard a case FIR No. 105/2017 U/S 188 RPC, 3/5 PC Act stands registered at P/S Kathua against the accused persons.
Moreover during late last night another naka was also laid down at Khokhyal by Police Party of Police Post Nagri headed by IC PP Nagri, SI Ashwani Kumar, intercepted one person namely Abdul Qayoom S/o Abdul Rashid R/o Dharamkot, Billawar who was smuggling three bovine animals and they were being by foot from Nakkian towards Billawar. The accused person was arrested on spot and in this regard, a Case FIR No. 104/2017 U/S 188 RPC stands registered at P/S Kathua.