Farooq should also advise his son to join ‘pelters’: Vakil

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 6: Former minister Abdul Gani Vakil today advised top National Conference leader and former J&K Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah to ask his son Omar Abdullah to join ‘stone pelters’ of Kashmir if he really thinks that they are fighting for the nation.
Reacting sharply to the statement of Dr Farooq Abdullah that stone pelters are fighting for nation, Vakil said if Dr Farooq Abdullah considers so then what is the fun of contesting elections  and should have also advised his son do the same rather than projecting him as future CM.
Senior leader said that it is due to this type of exploitive politics that J&K has suffered a lot.  Vakil said that whenever PDP or NC remained out of power these parties relied on same tactic of fueling alienation and spread hatred to secure power.
Vakil reiterated that the present turmoil in the Valley is the outcome misgovernance of both NC and PDP Governments as they had never addressed the genuine problem of unemployment. If they would have addressed this problem, the youth of the Valley would have not preferred stones in their hands.
This was evident by the recent recruitment drive of the Central Government when the youth of the Valley in thousands preferred to appear in the interview for some posts advertised by the Government of India in the BSF and CRPF battalions.  Vakil alleged that the present and the past Governments looted state ex-chequer amassed huge wealth through illegal means resulting thereby the alienation of the youth from the mainstream.
“Time has come that all people should get united to uproot dynastic rule in the State and in the present elections also they must give humiliating defeat to these leaders who always prefer power at the cost of the bloodshed of people,” Vakil added.