Azad, Omar, Karra, Taj appeal people to support Farooq, Mir

Excelsior Correspondent

AICC leader G N Azad & PCC chief G A  Mir with party workers at Anantnag on Saturday. -Excelsior-Sajjad Dar
AICC leader G N Azad & PCC chief G A Mir with party workers at Anantnag on Saturday. -Excelsior-Sajjad Dar

SRINAGAR, Apr 8: While issuing appeal to the people to ensure victory of joint Cong-NC candidate GA Mir, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Gulam Nabi Azad has said that victory of INC- NC candidates amounts to strengthening secular forces not only in the State, but in the entire country, as the threat to secular fabric and unity is looming large in the country
Addressing joint meetings in Pulwama and Khanabal Anantnag today, Azad described the upcoming by-elections to Anantnag and Srinagar Lok Sabha constituencies as an opportune time to defeat the fascist and communal forces, posing threat to unity and togetherness in the country, he appealed people to ensure victory of INC -NC candidates with a thumping majority, as that will be defeat of communal and fascist forces.
He said the ruling dispensation in the State has not come upto the expectations of the people, as a result there is deep alienation among the people. He said BJP Govt at Centre and PDP- BJP in the State have miserably failed to fulfill promises they had made with people, rather compounded their problems by adopting anti- people policies.
Addressing the public gathering former Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah urged upon the voters of South Kashmir and Central Kashmir to exercise their franchise in favour of INC- NC candidates, as these by-elections provide an opportunity to strengthen the message of secularism, for the fact, both the PDP- BJP are strengthening communal forces for the sake of power.
He said there is a deep hurt feeling among the people due to the anti-people policies being adopted by PDP- BJP coalition, besides the losses caused to both life and property due turned the situation from bad worst, but this unfortunate the ruling PDP has not learnt any lesson.
He made a fervent appeal to people to use their vote power to defeat the communal forces vitiating atmosphere of harmony and togetherness in the State to serve their vested interests.
Blaming PDP for playing with the emotions of the people for the sake of power, PCC president and INC- NC candidate GA Mir has described PDP as a threat to integrity of the State, fully responsible for damages caused to both life and property in the entire valley.
Mir lashed out at ruling PDP for creating an atmosphere of uncertainty in South and Central Kashmir to get benefitted, for the fact, PDP has realized it is losing both the seats in the upcoming by elections.
He cautioned people of politics of exploitation by PDP to garner support for its candidates, but, at the same time, he felt confident that people in the entire Valley are aware how PDP backstabbed them by tying knot with communal forces after securing votes by playing with their emotions.
Former Minister Taj Mohi-ud-Din and senior leader Tariq Hamid Karra appealed people of Kashmir to rise to the occasion, get united to defeat the designs of RSS of which PDP is facilitator in the State. They also appealed people not to get misled by the concocted and false poll propaganda merely to secure votes by PDP.