Disney theme parks may soon have robots to entertain kids

WASHINGTON, Apr 10:  Humanoid robots could entertain kids visiting Disney theme parks in the coming decades, as the company has filed a patent application for soft body robot that can safely interact with young people.

Disney researchers have so far developed a small test robot based on the Big Hero 6 character Baymax, with a soft and durable outer shell, its upper body filled with fluid and able to be programmed by a controller.

Each body part of the test design was also connected to a pressure sensor, enabling safe interaction with young children.

“Robots can be found providing interactive guidance or entertainment in stores and amusement parks and in more dynamic settings like homes, schools, hospitals, and the workplace where they teach, provide therapy, and lend an extra set of hands,” researchers said in the patent document.

While the patent does not give a timeframe for when Disney is hoping to put the “humanoid robots” into action, it could mean the days of actual humans interacting with young people at Disneyland theme parks could be numbered, ‘The Telegraph’ reported.

However, the patent document concedes that “it has proven difficult to provide wholly safe interactions between humans and robots simply by operating these humanoid and other robots with controlled movements.” (AGENCIES)