
Saturday   April 15-2017

Aries : Whip up some excitement in your life — put on your walking shoes and go explore some unknown destination, suggests Ganesha. Keep yourself busy, but take care not to overdo anything. Today, you will be the centre of attention in group activities.

Taurus : People around you will be surprised to witness the considerate and compassionate side of you today, says Ganesha. Problems may come knocking but you, along with support from your loved ones, will handle them with brilliant tact. Enjoy the company of near and dear ones and let your presence be felt in social outings, suggests Ganesha.

Gemini : You will keep your emotions aside and concentrate solely on your work today. You will have to waste a lot of time in fulfilling the demands made by those around you. However, the more demands you fulfill, the more their expectations will rise, says Ganesha.

Cancer : What good is life if it doesn’t involve great fun and merrymaking. Keeping this in mind, you will set about planning your day. There may be no stopping you as you go about your day having a blast at every possible moment. There will be no limit to your gregarious behaviour, says Ganesha.

Leo : You will be extremely serious about your work today and will work diligently to finish your tasks. You will be focussed and disciplined about your projects. You will feel the need to improve your style of functioning. Traders can expect good financial gains today, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Your ambitions and desire to undertake more work will be very prominent today. After working hard all day, try to get yourself some recreation and relaxation, perhaps at a private party, a social gathering or maybe even at a marriage reception, says Ganesha.

Libra : Expect some annoyance from the ‘man in the chair’, or people in charge who may be looking towards throwing a wench in your way. But know that it is just a blip on the radar. Your fortune is too powerful for anyone to affect it negatively. Stick to your task and dig into your imagination to find a way around the blips. Your ability to think out-of-the-box will perplex your perpetrator, chuckles Ganesha.

Scorpio : Expressing your feelings becomes important at some point of time. Today, you are in a mood to express emotions for your near and dear ones. And why not? After all, they need to be appreciated. Though your heart is full of emotions today, do not express in a way that you become vulnerable in eyes of general public.

Sagittarius : You are like a new hope for your company and you are assigned with many challenging projects, today. And your hard work and efforts are appreciated when you handle the projects successfully. If you are fortunate enough, you may also gain incentives very soon, predicts Ganesha.

Capricorn : Creativity is your innate trait. But how creative can you get when dealing with day-to-day issues? You will not only answer this question with utmost modesty, but will make a great display of your creative skills by cleverly sorting out problems with your siblings, says Ganesha. You will derive pleasure by delving into knotty problems and solving them with ease. Also, you will reach out to those in need and help them in every possible manner.

Aquarius : Sometimes it feels like you are stuck in a quicksand, and there is none out there to pull you out. But, the independent Aquarius is capable of dealing with adversities alone. And, that tendency shall hold you in a good stead even today. Dilemmas dissolved and problems resolved, you shall spend a quiet, romantic evening with your sweetheart, foresees Ganesha.

Pisces : Today, you will find yourself partitioning your time equally, and more importantly, excelling, at work as well as at home. So, while you will prove to be the right man for the job assigned to you at the office, at home you will establish yourself as the perfect family man, says Ganesha.