Advocate, counter-insurgent comdr killed in Kashmir

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Apr 16: Militants tonight shot dead Advocate Imtiaz Ahmad Khan and a former counter-insurgent commander, Rashid Billa while the Director General of Police today issued an advisory to the police men to avoid visiting their homes in South Kashmir for their safety.
At least three militants tonight barged into the house of Advocate Khan at Pinjoora Shopian and fired at him indiscriminately. He received multiple bullet wounds and was removed to hospital where doctors declared him as brought dead.
The militants fled after carrying out the attack. Senior police and Army officers reached the spot and hunt for the killers of the Advocate was launched.
He was former public prosecutor and affiliated with opposition National Conference. He was close relative of NC leader Shabir Kullay who contested Assembly elections from Shopian constituency in 2014. Advocate Imtiaz was campaigning for him during the elections.
Militants shot dead former counter-insurgent commander, Rashid Billa at Hajin area of North Kashmir’s Bandipora district tonight. He was top commander of Ikhwan and close associate of Imtiaz Ahmad Parray commonly known as Kuka Parray who was killed by militants in September 2003.
Billa’s house was guarded till 2016 but his security cover at home was removed.
Ahead of by-poll for Anantnag Parliamentary seat on May 25, militants are threatening and killing political workers of various mainstream parties.
Meanwhile, militants during past few days especially after Srinagar Lok Sabha election have been harassing political activists of mainstream parties especially those who had campaigned in the polls.
Last night, a PDP worker was killed and another was injured in Pulwama after militants fired at them.
In the meantime, DGP today issued an advisory to the police men to avoid visiting their homes in South Kashmir for their safety. The advisory was issued after militants ransacked the houses of Police men and officers in South Kashmir and asked for their resignation.
A communication (No PERS/DATA/2017/27389-99 dated 16-04-2017)issued from the office of the DGP to the police heads advises police men and officers to exercise extreme caution.
“There have been few recent incidents in Valley where terrorists, anti-national and anti-social elements have tried to cause damage to the life and property of police personnel. In view of these unfortunate incidents, Police personnel, particularly from South Kashmir are advised to exercise extreme caution while visiting their homes. They should preferably avoid visit to their homes for next few months as their personal security is of paramount importance. All the unit heads are directed to brief their officers and men regarding this impending threat and ensure that the life and property of police personnel is well secured.  Most urgent”, the communication read.
Last night militants barged into the houses of five police men at Hajipora, Chotgam and Landoora in Shopian district. Their families were threatened, houses ransacked and they were asked for resignation of the cops.
The masked militants barged in residential houses of constable Mehrajdin Shah son of Asadullah Shah and constable Abdul Rashid of Hajipora Shopian. They thrashed the Shah and broke the window panes of his house. They also directed Mehraj to announce from local Masjid loudspeaker that all policemen should resign immediately or face consequences. Another constable was targeted at Chotgam in Shopian when militants forced him to announce resignation publicly through Masjid loudspeaker.