CB presents charge sheet in forged rent deed case

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Apr 20: Crime Branch, Kashmir, today presented charge sheet against Mohammad Ayoub Rather of Kursu Rajbagh, Padshahibagh, Srinagar, who had prepared a fake rent deed in respect of a shop in the name of wife of the complainant and subsequently induced J&K Bank Branch Jowher Nagar Srinagar to sanction loan of Rs 10 lakh  against his firm M/s Royal Glass House, Jowher Nagar, Srinagar.
The case, FIR No 09/2016 of P/S Crime Branch, Kashmir, was registered on a complaint of Mohammad Salman Mir, duly endorsed by the Court of 3rd Munsiff Srinagar, and   during investigation it surfaced that the property/shop reflected in the rent deed/agreement is in the name of Khalida Jan, wife of complainant and the person shown to have executed the rent deed in favour of the accused was having neither ownership nor possessory rights over the property.
It was also found that the accused Mohammad Ayoub Rather while preparing this false document resorted to forgery by affixing fictitious signatures of landlord and the witness as confirmed by the opinion of Forensic expert. The investigation also revealed that subsequent to falsification of rent deed, the accused knowingly and dishonestly produced this forged document as genuine one before the JK Bank authorities and deceitfully obtained the loan facility of Rs 4 lakh in the name of Firm M/s Royal Glass House Jowher Nagar, Srinagar.
On the strength of oral and documentary evidence, coupled with the opinion of forensic expert, the investigation thus found that accused Mohammad Ayoub Rather resorted to forgery in preparation of rent deed to shower wrongful gain upon himself and as such was found to have committed offences U/S 420,468,471 RPC.