Maintenance of Estates

Estates Department has seen big expansion over the years. The Government has been paying full attention to providing grandiose residential facilities to the Ministers, MLAs, bureaucrats and even functionaries of medium level. Government’s munificence is unbounded and despite that the beneficiaries want more as they are not satisfied with what has been provided by way of lavish living and environs. Many former and even sitting Ministers, MLAs and important public functionaries have not been paying even service charges like electric and water fee and yet they are party to the loud demand of renovating, repairing and updating their bungalows to add to their prestige and luxurious life style.
Interestingly, the State Government has recently notified a new policy for maintenance, repairs, renovation, furnishing of Estates houses allotted to Ministers and senior officers in Jammu and Srinagar. As per new order, the Government has fixed the upper limit of expenditure for maintenance of such houses and it has been made mandatory for every allottee to submit a written requisition whenever there is the need for new works, renovation, upgrading and repairs to be taken up. This will apply to the demand for furniture, furnishing items as well. As per the order,  the upper limit of expenditure for houses allotted to Principal Secretaries, Commissioner/ Secretaries and equivalent rank and  Rs 5 lakh for houses allotted to Secretaries, HoDs new works, renovation, upgrading, repairs to be taken up  during  six years per house per city include Rs 18 lakh for  Ministerial Bungalow  of Cabinet Minister and equivalent,  Rs 15 lakh for Ministerial Bungalow of Minister of State and  equivalent, Rs 15 lakh for Chief Secretary’s  house, Rs 12 lakh for houses allotted to  Financial Commissioners and equivalent rank, Rs 10 lakh for and equivalent. Government’s munificence percolates down to the lowest rungs of the employees who are allotted Government accommodation. These privileged Government functionaries should be grateful to the Government that easily bows to their demands made at short intervals to make their lives more comfortable and ease loving.