Seat of Dogra Rulers in a shambles

Dr Kapil Sharma
Last evening I took my six years daughter      to Mubarak Mandi. She was very excited. Mind of a kid of this age is always full of curiosities. Looking around she asked me papa “what place is this?”.
Me being born and brought up in old Jammu city has got weakness for RAJA MANDI. Pat came the reply ” Beta this place is our legacy, a proud possession of every Jammuite. This is a jewel of  Dogra heritage. It’s not just a place, it is a monument.” While I was explaining all this to a six year old kid, I suddenly looked at her. She was having total confused looks on her face. Her expressions were suggesting papa has gone mad or he is taking her for a ride “Moju” what we used to say in our childhood days. I realised my mistake and asked her.” What do you think what place is this?” she looked around , I noticed few wrinkles on her little forehead. She paused for a moment and replied” looks like a little old park in middle of ruins and outside is used for parking”.
I was shell shocked and believe me I am not exaggerating. After coming back home this little conversation was playing on my mind. I gave a thought to it. I realised if I forget my emotional inklings with Mubarak Mandi and view it like a neutral person or a first timer it looks exactly as my little angel described.  Now question arises who is to blame ?
But natural answer is authorities. My dear friends, type  a of system we all live in has rendered us immune to “chalta ha” attitude. Or in Dogri ” ma ke kara”.  True but if it is really so then why am I writing this article and why you are reading it? No my dear friends, we all are feeling it somewhere. Some body has to bell the cat. Let me inform all those who are not able to visit Raja Mandi lately due to various reasons. Famous chabutra where bust of Mahatma Gandhi was erected had been excavated since  years on the pretext of renovation. After it was dismantled, some body went to court and managed status quo order. Since then that chabutra is standing like an old ruin, crying for attention.
Recently, I came to know that stay order was vacated but no work has started yet. This debris which is left behind has become a dangerous health hazard for local public because in evenings local kids play here. This pyramid of mud which is left behind now is a healthy breeding ground for snakes and poisonous insects. God knows how many got bitten, at least, I don’t have any data.
All the Governments past and present promised to look after this Dogra legacy. All the Chief Ministers have paid numerous visits to this place but results are not worth mentioning.
Irony is that even a society was also formed which was headed by a  serving adminstrative officer and is having prominent citizens as its member. Even the office of that society is established. They must be doing good work but results on ground are not reflecting that.
There has been some renovations done inside the complex but maintenance part is not up to the mark. Old high court building and old PSC building renovation are left half way. Half is renovated and half is not. It’s just like one side of face is with make up and other half is not.
Old Divisional Commissioner building was vacated on pretext of being unsafe. A notice is also pasted saying the same but movement of vehicles and public has not stopped adjoining to that building. Remember that ” badi deodi”. Yes I am mentioning that humongous gate and passage through that leading to Mubarak Mandi. May God protect all.
For the last many years, Tourism Department was celebrating Baisakhi festival here every year. At least on those three days authorities used to devote some time to Mubarak Mandi. There used to be cultural programme and a small fair for three days. This year that too was shifted. Mubarak Mandi wore a deserted look on Baisakhi as well. What a pity! Imagine celebrating local Jammu festival without involving Mubarak Mandi.
Readers must be aware of the facts that for the past so many years all the Governments are blowing their trumpet regarding some mega projects which will boost tourism. Among those projects one was Trolly Rope way. This project was supposed to connect Mubarak Mandi to Mahamaya temple. I feel sorry to inform you that now this plan has been changed. As per latest information now it is not from Mubarak Mandi but from Gujjar Nagar near tehsil office.
All the buildings which were  part of Old Secretariat are in bad shape. They can collapse anytime. In the earthquake of 2005 a portion of Mubarak Mandi complex suffered massive damage. Since then  the authorities have taken any preventive measures or not I am not sure. But there are rumours that few rogue people made good amount of money by stealing wooden logs. These logs were used for ceilings of this old heritage complex. I have no idea whether authorities have any clue to this loss. I am not sure if there is any inventory made regarding the same.
There are few old schools in very close proximity to Mubarak Mandi. One of them was mine. Diwan Badrinath Vidya Mandir. Everybody is proud of his or her school so am I. I have spent all my recess period at Raja Mandi during my school days. Even all my school time friends who are scattered all over the globe feel so ecstatic when we discuss our glorious days of Mubarak Mandi. But Alas! This pity condition now forces me to bend my head low out of shame.
Friends, I strongly feel that we people want to leave some legacy behind for our coming generations  if so then we must start a campaign to restore Mubarak Mandi to its past glory. Believe me, it’s not difficult as Government of India has already given heritage status to Mubarak Mandi.So funds won’t be any issue. What is lacking is compliance and application. Redtapism is the culprit in my opinion. If we the citizens put some efforts things can pick up speed. So please…….
Think Over It.
(The author is ex consultant Batra Hospital)