Mother tongue in schools

This has reference to the statement made by the Minister of Higher Education regarding role of mother tongue in a child’s life.
There is no doubt that mother tongue plays an important role  in the personality development of a child. Right from birth, child remains under the influence of his family and community members.
This direct influence of the members is quite responsible in learning the language. He does not find it boring or a tedious process. Rather, he likes it. Besides mother tongue enables him to remain connected with his roots. By doing so  he keeps his culture and tradition alive.
In this context, Government of Jammu and Kashmir introduced Dogri, Kashmiri and Bodhi in primary classes of State Schools. It is a well-intentioned move aimed at keeping these languages alive.
However, it is stressed  that teachers who are very well versed with their languages be employed to teach these in schools.
There should be no compromise on it, as those who are not able to teach it effectively will create only problems for students.
Yours etc….
Haresh Singh
Kailash Nagar,
Talab Tillo, Jammu