Enhancement of Ratle project’s generation capacity to get nod

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Oct 19: State Cabinet, which is meeting under the chairmanship of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah on October 25, a day before the closure of Darbar at summer capital of the State, will accord approval to enhancement in power generation capacity of Ratle Hydro-Electric Project from 690 Mega Watts to 850 Mega Watts and for construction of water supply scheme for Kishtwar town under Special Task Force (STF) assistance.
Authoritative sources told EXCELSIOR that originally the generation capacity for Ratle Hydro Electric Project coming up in Kishtwar district, was 690 MW based on the Detailed Project Report prepared by the NHPC. However, when the project was awarded to M/s GVK Development Projects Limited through international competitive bidding route the company reviewed the DPR and subsequently the capacity of the project was worked out at 850 MW including 30 MW dam toe unit for utilizing the environment flow.
Later, on the directions of Central Electricity Authority, M/s GVK Development Projects Limited got a detailed study conducted through Danish Hydraulic Institute to find out the impact of Ratle on projects downside of Baglihar. On the basis of various scenarios the conclusion was drawn that there will be no impact of Ratle project on existing Baglihar and the impact of Ratle will be absorbed before the Premnagar site as such its impact on the Baglihar and other downstream projects will be of no concern, sources informed.
During the study, it was also observed that the release and operation during the PMF event of Ratle will not affect the safety and operation of Baglihar Hydroelectric Project, sources said, adding the study of Danish Hydraulic Institute has generally been accepted by the Central Water Commission in its recent meeting which was attended by Central Electricity Authority and Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation officers.
Thereafter, the Managing Director, JKSPDC conducted a comparative study of essential features of the project with two different capacities during which it came to fore that due to increase in capacity free power will increase from 398.82 Million Units to 470.514 Million Units. Moreover, Local Area Development Fund power will increase from 26.58 Million Units to 31.36 Million Units, sources informed, adding with the increase in capacity the upfront premium will also increase from Rs 34.50 crore to Rs 42.50 crore.
“Now, a proposal is being placed before the Cabinet for approval to enhancement in power generation capacity of Ratle Hydroelectric Project from 690 Mega Watts to 850 Mega Watts”, sources said, adding “since Chief Minister has already accorded approval to this proposal in his capacity as Minister for Power, the proposal will certainly receive the Cabinet’s nod”.
They said that Cabinet would also accord approval to the construction of water supply scheme for Kishtwar town at an estimated cost of Rs 53.15 crore under Special Task Force. This scheme will address the complaints regarding inadequate and contaminated water supply in the Kishtwar town.
Under the project, different service reservoirs of varying capacities will be constructed and the entire scheme will be completed within three years provided there is availability of funds and key construction material.
The Cabinet is also likely to accord approval to the regularization of promotion on ex-cadre basis of five officers as Special Secretaries.
These officers are Anita Koul, Director Litigation, Jammu, Mohammad Syed Shah, Director Litigation Kashmir, Irshad Ahmad Mir, Mohammad Ashraf Mir and Raj Kumar Koul.
Release of grade of Time Scale of KAS in favour of retired members of the departmental feed services will also receive the approval of the Cabinet. These officers are Mohammad Maqbool Tantray (Excise and Taxation), Munir Hussain (Industries and Commerce Functional Manager), Tsering Wanghcuk (Information) and Khurshid Ahmad Gangoo (Administrative Officers feeding service).