Asiea tours Srinagar city, inspects sanitation measures

SRINAGAR: Minister of State for Health and Medical Education, Social Welfare, Housing & Urban Development, Asiea Naqash, today toured several parts of the city to take first-hand appraisal of steps being undertaken by SMC for improved sanitation system in Srinagar.

She visited Zero Bridge, Jawahar Nagar, Rajbagh, L D Hospital, G.B Pant, Children Hospital and other areas of the City during which Commissioner Srinagar Municipal Corporation, Dr Shafqat Khan, briefed, the Minister in detail about the steps being taken by the SMC to upgrade the cleanliness and sanitation measures.

On the occasion, Asiea stressed the importance of waste segregation before its disposal, and asked the officials to install dustbins at various locations in the city to make the garbage segregation process easy.

She also directed regular and routine cleaning of drains, roads and lanes in the city and proper dumping of the waste.

She further directed the concerned to ensure repair and restoration of all the defunct street lights immediately and put in place an effective mechanism to monitor their functioning.

The Minister was also informed by the SMC about multiple strategies being adopted by the Corporation to control the street dog menace within the municipal limits of Srinagar.

During the visit, the Minister interacted with public deputations and gave a patient hearing to their grievances and assured them of their redressal on priority.

She called upon the officers to properly plan the works and execute them in a time-bound manner. She directed for making concerted efforts to achieve tangible results on ground so that better amenities and services are provided to the people.

The Minister also directed the authorities to ensure cleanliness in and around the hospital premises and emphasized on installation of more waste collection bins in and around the hospitals for proper and scientific disposal of waste.

Among others, Joint Commissioner Administration SMC, Joint Commissioner Works SMC, Executive Engineer SMC, and other concerned accompanied the Minister.