Avaricious employees turn Handwara Hospital into money minting Centre

Dental section of District Hospital Handwara without any doctor. -Excelsior/Aabid Nabi
Dental section of District Hospital Handwara without any doctor. -Excelsior/Aabid Nabi

Suhail Bhat

Handwara, May 12: Due to ‘nexus’ between hospital administration and private diagnostic centres, the District Hospital Handwara has been turned into a money-minting machine wherein patients are unnecessarily referred to diagnostic centres, which are owned by some of the employees who enjoy political patronage.
An official at the DH Handwara said some of the employees who enjoy political backing are exploiting the patients by diverting them to the private diagnostic centres that are owned either by some of the employees working with the hospital or their relatives.
He also said that doctors are deriving a significant portion of income from the referrals they order and this unethical practice has been going on for last several years, as the “greedy employees” have not been transferred for last one-two decades.
“My sister was expecting last month and there was not a single test done in the hospital. From ultrasound to different blood tests, we did everything outside the hospital. A day or two prior to delivery we conduct a series of test known as Pre Anaesthetic Assessment test (PAC) at a private clinic. Even for the prenatal test, they would divert us to the diagnostic centres using excuses of lack of electricity and experts. Even the ultrasounds are done outside. Except for this hospital, you will not find a single hospital in the entire valley wherein PAC is done outside the hospital,” Sartaj Aziz, a local said.
The patients also lamented the availability of inadequate staff in the hospital and said that majority of the doctors posted in the hospital either remain absent from their duties or prefer to see patients at private clinics.
The distraught patients further said that there was no ophthalmologist and ENT- specialist in the hospital and the hospital authorities often use the services of Ayush doctors. The Government has attached an ophthalmologist but he never comes. Likewise, an orthopaedic doctor from Trehgam has to give three days here but he never visits the hospital,” they said.
The locals said despite the availability of two-three gynaecologists the pregnant women have to see the Ayush Doctor for their routine queries who prescribe inappropriate allopathic medicine that is fraught with danger thereby putting the life of mother and child at risk. They added that they have to buy all the infusion sets and Angiographic Accessories, which are provided, free of cost at all the District Hospitals.
The locals alleged that an eight-member Medicine Purchase committee which was formed some years back to bring transparency in the hospital has been by-passed by some influential people who directly buys the medicine from the market without the consent of the committee. “Local MLA, Director Health and other important stakeholders were involved in streamlining the procurement of the medicine but some tainted officials are not only side-lining the regulatory body but also purchasing the drugs from their relatives,” they said.
When contacted, Minister of State for Health, Aseia Naqash said: “I will put the officials on scan for one month and will see their performance and if any discrepancy is noticed, action will be taken. I will also immediately write to the Director of Heath Services Kashmir to seek reasons regarding the absence of employees.”
Asked about the rates of admission and prescription tickets, she said “It is done purely to regulate the flow of attendants.”