SKUAST-J organizes ZREAC meeting for Kharif 2017

SKUAST-J VC chairing ZREAC meeting for Kharif 2017 on Friday.
SKUAST-J VC chairing ZREAC meeting for Kharif 2017 on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 12: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST) Jammu organized a Zonal Research and Extension Advisory Committee (ZREAC) meeting with respect to Agriculture, Command Area Development, Horticulture, Sericulture and Floriculture.
The meeting was chaired by Dr Pradeep K Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu, who highlighted the importance of feedback from officers of the Line Departments for carrying out productive research by the scientists of the University for well-being of the farming community of Jammu region. He also stressed upon the close liaisoning between Line Departments and University for doubling the farmers’ income in next five years.
He hoped that the deliberations during the course of this meeting will go a long way in ameliorating the farmers’ problems and thereby making a significant step in improving agriculture scenario of the State.
Dr K S Risam, Director Extension SKUAST-J highlighted the importance and mandate of the meeting. He requested officers of the department for deliberation on the specific issues concerning applicability of research recommendations given by the University.
Dr J P Sharma, Director Research, presented overview of the research activities of SKUAST-Jammu. A K Malhotra, Director Agriculture, proposed a joint study with the University for assessing the performance of new varieties of crops.
Other important issues raised by the officers, include revamping of agriculture through CIG, FIF & FPOs, cost effectiveness of micro-irrigation systems, performance of private sector hybrids, organic farming practices, ultra high density mango and guava plantation, quality and production enhancement of sub-tropical and temperate fruits and package of practices of flowers for hilly districts of Jammu region etc.
During the deliberations, the officers of the Line Departments, including CAOs/ CHOs gave valuable feedback of researchable issues to the University Scientists. Several production recommendations based on the multi-location trials conducted during consecutive years were also discussed for further testing at farmers’ fields in collaboration with Department of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture and Krishi Vigyan Kendras of the University.
Dr R K Arora, Associate Director Extension (KVKs) carried out proceedings of the meeting whereas R R Jat, Associate Director Extension presented the vote of thanks.