AMCCC warns agitation for restoration of KPs rights

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 12: Accusing the successive State Governments who ruled the J&K since 1947 for present crisis in Kashmir, All Migrant Camp Coordination Committee (AMCCC) today said that politicians who ruled the State till date misled the innocent masses for their personnel and vested interests.
AMCCC president Desh Rattan while addressing the meeting of his organization here today said that the rulers indulged in corrupt practices since 1947 and amassed a huge wealth with the result J&K earned a dubious distinction of being one of the most corrupt States of the country. They ignored the common masses and intelligent students and capable youth were deprived of the Government jobs as preference was given to influential people having links in political circles due to which people developed a hatred against the system and they revolted against the same. Pakistan took a wrong advantage of it and it misled these youth to join militancy and they took the arms and waged a war against the nation.
Rattan said that people were misled on the name of secularism and socialism slogans by these leaders who on ground did nothing in nurturing the same and the slogan of so called secularism got a great setback in Valley after the terrorists indulged in selective killings of minority Pandits in 1989-90 that resulted in their mass exodus.
He said after the mass exodus the Pandits houses were torched and their land encroached while standing trees and orchards were cut. Even the land of some religious places has been encouraged and no steps were taken by previous NC -Congress Governments and present coalition to restore the same.
He said KPs are getting a step motherly treatment and AMCCC will fight against the same by launching a massive movement. Rattan appealed the KPs to join this movement to take their 28 year long struggle to logical conclusion.