Anti-Polythene campaign: Abdul Haq reviews progress

SRINAGAR:  In continuation to the anti-Polythene drive, Minister for Rural Development Abdul Haq today chaired a meeting of resource technical team to evaluate   time and motion study regarding Solid Waste Management in rural areas.

The meeting was attended by Member Secretary MGNREGA KK Sidha, Director Rural Development Kashmir Gazanfar Hussain, Director Rural Sanitation Abdul Rehman Gasi, engineers and other technical officers of the department.

The meeting discussed various strategies with regard to disposal of Polythene bags and other solid and liquid waste. Meeting was informed that the week-long campaign for the collection of polythene is going in full swing and tons of polythene bags have been collected by the field staff in every Panchayat.

Minister said the campaign against polythene has been divided into four stages which include sensitization of the rural masses, collection of Plastic/polythene bags, imposition of fine and handling and disposal of plastic material.

He said the ACDs and District Panchayat Officers (DPOs) shall ensure that the personnel are engaged for the collection of polythene in every Panchayat during the week-long campaign. He said inspectors and Secretary Panchayats shall keep a proper record of the plastic/polythene material collected or seized in the Panchayats.

RDD Minister said the polythene bags seized or collected shall be stocked in gunny bags at a place designated in the Panchayat by the BDOs in consultation with the Panchayats. He said the stocking of polythene or any other non-biodegradable material shall not result in any sort of nuisance in the area and should not damage the drainage and sewerage system and should not prove as a hazard to the people.

The Minister asked the DPOs to report monthly to the Director Rural Sanitation regarding the quantity of non-biodegradable material seized and stocked by them who in turn will issue the tenders for the auction in consultation with the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB).

Abdul Haq stressed on the people to cooperate the RDD officials in collection of polythene for their own benefit saying that polythene is nuisance for all and needs to be weeded out from societies.